Theodore Dubois DIXTUOR

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Theodore Dubois DIXTUOR

Post by olviolcor »


can anybody help me finding the Dixtuor by Theodore Dubois?

Maybe it has a different name here? Or still not added here?

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Re: Theodore Dubois DIXTUOR

Post by coulonnus »

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Re: Theodore Dubois DIXTUOR

Post by bicinium »

If you click on "Adopter cet ouvrage" on the right side of the BNF catalog page, you can commission a digitization of this edition which will be publicly available on the Gallica digital collection, from where it can be downloaded and added to IMSLP. I would be very glad if you did this (it is on my wishlist of chamber music with double bass) but be aware of the cost, and also that they seem to be very slow on the draw (I ordered an "adoption" of a different work and it took them a very long time ask my confirmation, and I'm still not sure whether they're working on it).
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Re: Theodore Dubois DIXTUOR

Post by bicinium »

BNF's "book adoption" service seems to be defunct because I never got a reply and the staff seem to gloss over my questions about it, but I've added the first published score of the dixtuor from a regular reproduction request:

The BNF doesn't seem to have the set of parts.

After reading a bit into Dubois, it turns out he was a total scrub who tried to put a stop to Debussy and Ravel for not respecting proper style (the proper style being, apparently, Meyerbeer). Hearing a recording of the dixtuor (YouTube), it's about as artistic as I'd expect from such a character. A good one for the history books but I wouldn't consider performing it.

I've also ordered Dubois' nonet so that should be coming up soon as well.
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Re: Theodore Dubois DIXTUOR

Post by Eric »

As you like. I quite like the Dubois I've heard myself, including several concertante works that have been recently recorded and at least one of his string quartets iirc, but you are not obliged to!
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