It's a great idea and a great project.
BUT BUT BUT........
Why throw all away?
I understand your situation,I understand all stress and pressure you have.
I think you need to sleep some days and after you will see things more
I know we don't have money to support a legal battle also if we have all the right reasons of this world.
So if the problems are only 100 or 200 files why don't you momentary delete those?Meanwhile we have only to find a library ,a society etc. that can gives IMSLP a legal or authoritative cover.
By the way , Why throw away all that work? In the worst case we have only to delete 200 , 300 files or less (1000 more or less if you restrict PD law to life + 70).
I stress that 90% of our files are PD everywhere without doubt.
An other thing is the fact that IMSLP is a commitment too heavy for you.
But I think you'll find many people that would like to help .
For all about server bill and other costs we could find forms of pubblicity that can sponsor (printing pubblicity on score too etc.)
For these reasons I think IMSLP should reopen.
In any case THANK YOU FOR ALL.
Ciao Carmar1791