Score Quality of WIMA?

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Score Quality of WIMA?

Post by m.kowalski49 »

Is it me, or has anyone else noticed the Poor quality of scores + layouts of those merged from WIMA?

I printed various filley's I noticed that IMSLP does not have, but yet it was Merged from WIMA, and when printed the notes, quavers (crotchets) etc... don't line up properly etc..


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Re: Score Quality of WIMA?

Post by coulonnus »

Please go back to and search the composer and the score you don't like (but you don't need to download the score again). Almost each WIMA score is associated with its source file. So you see "with Lilypond source", "with Finale source" etc. and you can know which scorewriter was used for this score.

So I am curious: with which scorewriter have the scores you don't like been written? I am open to vertical-alignment complaints for scores from this page:,_Jean-Pierre :-)
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