Do you write a classical music or culture blog? Contact IMSLP Journal for a blogroll exchange!
Your blog doesn’t need to be terrifically high powered or erudite. Or so academic it’s incomprehensible. Or written in English. Or only about classical music.
Some of the best blogs are eccentric affairs: mere cyphers for the enthusiasms of the author.
If you’re a:
professional player or singer
amateur musician
music student
music teacher
instrument maker
recording engineer
music writer
classical music Svengali
or simply enjoy and blog about good music, culture, the arts, critical theory or culture politics: get in touch.
It's been popular with a stream of people wanting to exchange - see Blogroll section, front page of Journal, top right. Many readers of this forum also run classical music/culture blogs. If you'd like a link exchange, you'd be so welcome.
I'm Giovanni Cappiello from Rome, Italy.
I'd like to submit my blog Eptachordon for your blogroll. It's a online review dedicated to early music and is written in italian.