Violin Sonata No.5, Op.24 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)

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Violin Sonata No.5, Op.24 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)

Post by Afaf.Ehab »

Performer Pages David Oistrakh (violin)
Lev Oborin (piano)
Publisher Info. Philips, 1962. PHM 500-030.
Copyright Public Domain - Non-PD US
Misc. Notes Source: Internet Archive
Purchase Accompaniments (1)

I downloaded the recording and I want to use it in my film, but I do not know what does the last line (Purchase: Accompaniments 1) mean! does it mean that I have to purchase it? or is this something else? because I can see above that its in the public domain.

Thank you
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Re: Violin Sonata No.5, Op.24 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)

Post by Sallen112 »

I wouldn't worry about this if your living anywhere but in the USA. If you are living in the USA and want to make money on your film since your saying you want to use this in your film, you probably might have to get permission from the label to use this in your film of the record label that made the recording since the copyright doesn't expire until 2067 in that region only (its free in Canada and the EU).

But the Accompaniment link is just a third party site where you can buy it to own it legally speaking (not on here), on here we have it for free based on which regions it is free legally to download it but that doesn't mean you can legally distribute the film in the USA for free.
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