Is This Allowed?

General copyright-related issues and discussions

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Is This Allowed?

Post by ALang »


If I take a work in public domain and rewrite parts for different instruments, can I sell that arrangement? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around what exactly is and isn't allowed. If it makes any difference, I live in the U.S. If it is allowed, are there limitations on which musical works I can do that with, or in which countries I can sell it?

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Re: Is This Allowed?

Post by Sallen112 »

If the work is public domain in your region, your free to do as you see fit for arranging the work, sell it, remix it, whatever. However if the work is under copyright in Life + 50 and 70 years countries (so if the composer died between 1952-1971) and you were to sell your arrangement in those countries, its possible you might have to pay royalties to the composer depending if they take note of your profiteering of the arrangement.
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