SOme questions about Naxos library

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SOme questions about Naxos library

Post by hefestionw »

I am happy we have access to Naxos now, but I would like to know why an ordinary anual subscription with Naxos costs about US300 but the anual subscription with IMSL is only US22. Is it because of the partnersip that NAxos treats IMSLP as if it was a library or an institution that provides access to its members? Also, are there some restrictions or limitations? Because I've noticed that all of the audio streams are standard quality and there is no access to high definition streams.
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Re: SOme questions about Naxos library

Post by Eric »

Naxos has a number of institutional memberships for other libraries, I've noticed (eg if you look at library catalogs for universities, some CDs they list as physical objects, others they list as streams for their students and staff available through a service such as Naxos ML...- I assume we're purchasing such a service as a group. Guessing the answer is briefly yes, then, to the first question, I don't know to the second.

Have found quite a few wonderful (in my honest opinion) (and despite the start/stop and other issues, web-or-mobile access... nothing's perfect!!!) pieces and recordings, some discoveries and some works I've known about and just been wanting to hear (or rehear)- so am very very glad, myself. $22/year when it's time to renew is something I'll gladly pay when my subscription expires :) (my own pov, of course- not meant as a direct comment on your post so much as a tangential burst of enthusiasm, actually. Sorry.)
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Re: SOme questions about Naxos library

Post by Eric »

I see that logging out has been forgotten by our code :) (even in the free 10%-preview section of NML if you forget to logout you create too many separate sessions and eventually can't log in again without contacting Naxos- has happened to me... This is what's happening now, before anyone asks, he says into the wind. (ie I expect a fair number of questions about why this isn't working in the near future...)
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