i scanned a very very nice score (surprise

My problem is the following: 5 or so years ago when i was still using windows xp - i would just select all the tiff files hit print and it would create a pdf through a ghostscript printer extremely fast (freepdfXP). those pdfs were clean, all the same page size (A4) and most important: the same size as the output images.
Now under windows 7 when i hit print, the adjustments for each page take seemingly forever, also when the output is handed to freepdfxp the resulting pdfs are just very very bad. in some cases it's not b&w any more, it looks more like a terrible jpg compressed image (pdf export). In other cases it is actually black and white, however there are many many white crosses embedded into black areas (screenshot attached) (tif 600 dpi export).
i tried copping the images in adobe professional and then saving it (after importing the raw tiffs from the scan in to adobe acrobat), however, the resulting pdf is 1,5 times the size as the original files, and the images again are not purely black and white. they look really good, but not tiff g4, so not good for me.
does anyone here have an idea as to how i could create a simple pdf with one pagesize for the whole document without any quality loss?