I just wanted to celebrate the submission of more than 2000 entries into IMSLP. Even though a very small portion of these entries had to be removed due to copyright problems, this accomplishment still isn't small
I wanted to take this chance to thank all IMSLP contributors for the great work you guys put into IMSLP
Hooray! Let this be only the beginning! Altough the popularity of IMSLP is not comparable to some of the other sites right now, I'm absolutely convinced that IMSLP will become the most important source of scores on the web some time, thanks to the open concept.
Indeed seniority matters... so it should be no surprise that as of yet IMSLP is not that widely known. But hey, IMSLP has made great progress in the last 8 months or so Plus, we even have our own wikipedia stub now, and I wasn't the one who created it!