Code: Select all
|Tags=operas ; orch ; bc
Code: Select all
|Tags=operas ; vv orch ; bc ; it

2nd question: Are we simple mortals allowed do change this kind of things? (Just to be sure)
Code: Select all
|Tags=operas ; orch ; bc
Code: Select all
|Tags=operas ; vv orch ; bc ; it
Since I'm pretty sure this was simply a mistake on the tagger's part, I've gone ahead and retagged it as operas ; vv orch ; it (bc should not appear in the same tag as orch - IIRC that was decided in a discussion a while back). Hope that's OK with everyone.pml wrote:the Graun work has also been given a separate bc tag for continuo. This is a bit of a mystery...
The general rule is that only members of the tagging team can modify the tags - this is because, basically, they have all had to read a very long manual and have been vetted accordingly. Mistakes are therefore less likely than if the general public were allowed to change the tags (not to say that someone like you would mess things up; it's just a blanket preventive measure). If you're interested in joining the team, Pierre, you are of course welcome to sign uppierre.chepelov wrote:Are we simple mortals allowed do change this kind of things?
Well, I remember the exact opposite - that it was decided early on not to include bc with orch - but can't find the discussion at the momentsteltz wrote:"bc" can and does appear behind orch for Baroque works, which is convenient for things like Vivaldi concertos, which, strictly speaking, aren't for a plain string orchestra. Although normally, keyboard that is part of the orchestra doesn't get a separate tag, very early in the tagging project this was discussed. The decision was to include it, so I think "bc" needs to be put back into this Graun. I'll try later to find the discussions we had and post the link.
Sorry, I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here. Could you please explain a little?steltz wrote:This didn't apply to piano parts, for instance a piano part in a symphony. It was only baroque "orchestral" music with harpsichord.