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Ask help for of Rondo op.94 A.Dvorak..

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:24 am
by Majacello89
I would like to ask for a help.I need all the orchestra parts from the cello peace Rondo op.94 Antonin Dvorak..I saw that there is already 2 parts for timpani and cello/bass section parts,but i need all.. I would be very grateful if someone can help me to find the notes ,because i tried to find anywhere and i didn't succeed,i need till march..I will appreciate if you write me soon for any kind of informations..[email removed] Thank you from in front.. Maja-cello

Rondo op.94 A.Dvorak for CELLO -orchestra partiture..

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:43 pm
by Majacello89
PLEASE...I would like to ask for a help.I need all the orchestra parts from the cello peace Rondo op.94 Antonin Dvorak..I saw that there is already 2 parts for timpani and cello/bass section parts,but i need all.. I would be very grateful if someone can help me to find the notes ,because i tried to find anywhere and i didn't succeed,i need till march..I will appreciate if you write me soon for any kind of informations..[email removed] Thank you from in front.. Maja-cello

Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:10 pm
Location: Macedonia Skopje

Re: Ask help for of Rondo op.94 A.Dvorak..

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:02 pm
by Leonard Vertighel
Please note that file exchange via email is not allowed. If someone has the requested scores and if they are in the public domain, they will be submitted to IMSLP.