Hi, good afternoon.
My name is Joaquín Lamas Hermoso, I am a student of the Musical Research Master of the "International University of Valencia (VIU)", in Spain. I am doing my Final Project which is about the horn in The rite of spring, and I would like to included in the Project some screenshots of the horn´s particellas which are in IMLSP: http://ks4.imslp.net/files/imglnks/usim ... _(FBb).pdf
I would appreciate if you informed me about how are the legal requirements to have an official permision for using screenshots of those particellas in a Final Project.
I am looking forward to your response.
Best regards.
Doubt about particellas of "The rite of spring".
Moderator: Copyright Reviewers
Re: Doubt about particellas of "The rite of spring".
I think you'll be fine as long as your not making money off of it. If its just selections or excerpts under fair use, your fine. If however your going to use the whole work for money then you may need to contact the Stravinsky Estate for permission in your region.