Copyright Protected vs. Public Domain Material
Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 8:38 am
Hello Community,
first, let me say, that I am so happy about what IMSLP is doing for the musical world.
Its just amazing. I have read on the homepage, that currently there are 122.000 musical works on IMSLP.
That is the public domain material. I assume its almost all public domain material of classical music in the world. right?
So i was woundering: How much copiright protected works are there in classical music?
I tried to google it, and was searching for information on publishers websites (Bärenreiter, Henle etc.) but couldnt find any numbers.
Does anyone of you know?
first, let me say, that I am so happy about what IMSLP is doing for the musical world.
Its just amazing. I have read on the homepage, that currently there are 122.000 musical works on IMSLP.
That is the public domain material. I assume its almost all public domain material of classical music in the world. right?
So i was woundering: How much copiright protected works are there in classical music?
I tried to google it, and was searching for information on publishers websites (Bärenreiter, Henle etc.) but couldnt find any numbers.
Does anyone of you know?