Please kill this page with fire
Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 9:18 am ... ,_Chinese)
That piece is not a traditional melody set to the words of a Tang Dynasty-era poem. It was composed by Liu Raozhang [柳尧章] (1905-1996) for an orchestra of traditional instruments with a solo Pipa (琵琶, balloon-shaped lute). The solo part was based on an existing traditional melody called Xunyang Ye Yue [浔阳夜月], which was indeed inspired by (but not set to the words of) the poem. That original melody now lives on pretty much exclusively through the newer piece and transcriptions thereof (notably Guzheng); it seems that it is hardly ever referred to by its original name anymore. It's possible that the solo part by itself is PD, but given that this is hard to determine, that so much information on the page is fundamentally wrong, and that the copyright of the edition I uploaded is problematic, I urge for the immediate deletion of the page.
Back then, before I had a brain, I found that file online and uploaded it. The copyright reviewer at the time must've mistaken me for the editor. I'm maintaining a list of authors of music featuring Chinese instruments here, which I'd like to turn into a project someday, but in the meantime, I just can't tolerate that page anymore, spreading its nonsense. My source for this post is here; it's not at all ideal, but better than mainstream Chinese art culture, which would rather wax lyrical over 'ancient culture' and 'traditional music' than establishing the facts or crediting the (sometimes still living) authors.
Thank you and sorry
That piece is not a traditional melody set to the words of a Tang Dynasty-era poem. It was composed by Liu Raozhang [柳尧章] (1905-1996) for an orchestra of traditional instruments with a solo Pipa (琵琶, balloon-shaped lute). The solo part was based on an existing traditional melody called Xunyang Ye Yue [浔阳夜月], which was indeed inspired by (but not set to the words of) the poem. That original melody now lives on pretty much exclusively through the newer piece and transcriptions thereof (notably Guzheng); it seems that it is hardly ever referred to by its original name anymore. It's possible that the solo part by itself is PD, but given that this is hard to determine, that so much information on the page is fundamentally wrong, and that the copyright of the edition I uploaded is problematic, I urge for the immediate deletion of the page.
Back then, before I had a brain, I found that file online and uploaded it. The copyright reviewer at the time must've mistaken me for the editor. I'm maintaining a list of authors of music featuring Chinese instruments here, which I'd like to turn into a project someday, but in the meantime, I just can't tolerate that page anymore, spreading its nonsense. My source for this post is here; it's not at all ideal, but better than mainstream Chinese art culture, which would rather wax lyrical over 'ancient culture' and 'traditional music' than establishing the facts or crediting the (sometimes still living) authors.
Thank you and sorry