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Arrangers Biographical Info

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:43 pm
by emeraldimp
Hi Carolus!

I recently came into temporary possession of quite a large bit of music for theater orchestra from around 1900. A large part of it is PD in the US (due to being published before 1923), but I was wondering if you knew any information about some of the arrangers (I'm hoping to be able to post it to the Canadian server if possible).

The big ones I have are:

Charles J. Roberts (mostly Carl Fischer, looks like)
Theo. Moses Tobani (I think he died in 1933, again mostly Carl Fischer, I think)
Ross Jungnickel (both independently and under Schirmer
Otto Langey (mostly Schirmer)

Thanks muchly!

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:18 am
by Carolus
Hi Emeraldimp!

Per your request:

Chales Roberts - a pseudonym for Charles Krauschaar (1868-1957)

Theodore Moses-Tobani (1855-1933)

Otto Langey (1851-1922)

Ross Jungnickel (1875-1962)

Roberts will be free in Canada on Jan. 1 of 2008, Tobani and Langey are free now and Jungnickel will be free on Jan. 1, 2013.

One of the arrangers I've yet to find dates on is the fellow who did a great deal of them for Durand, Hubert Mouton. His work stopped appearing by the late 1920s, though.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 1:56 pm
by emeraldimp
Great! Thank you!