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Glinka's "Symphony"
Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 4:32 pm
by audunsj
This piece is not tagged correctly as Protopopov only made the piano arr. The completion of this piece is due to Vissarion Shebalin (1902 - 63). The title page reads "Completed and reorchestrated after the author's sketches by V. Ya. Shebalin" (Zakonchil i doinstrumentoval po nabroskam avtora V. Ya. Shebalin).
Re: Glinka's "Symphony"
Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 9:29 pm
by Carolus
OK, so the piece is actually a completion from unfinished sketches - meaning that Shebalin's contribution here is akin to that of Derek Cooke in the completion of Mahler's Symphony No.10. Right? I think we have only the piano arrangement anyway. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. It will probably disappear shortly.
Re: Glinka's "Symphony"
Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 10:00 pm
by audunsj
As I have not seen the sketches it hard for me to contribute any further in this matter. The russians have a long long tradition for completing each other's works and it is not always easy to know waht they actually have done with them. It might be mentioned in the commentary to the full score but I have consulted any copy (at least not yet).