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Japan and WorkNonPD-USandEU

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:27 pm
by a4lg

I am Japanese user of IMSLP but I got problem.
I have first tried to download "Piano Sonata No.5, Op.38/135 (Prokofiev, Sergei)" but I got error. I have tried some other works and I found all works tagged as WorkNonPD-USandEU is blocked. Japanese copyright lifetime is life+50yrs (until year end) so I think there is no problem.
Are these works under copyright review? or some other problem?


Re: Japan and WorkNonPD-USandEU

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:44 pm
by vinteuil
Unfortunately, IMSLP has to block files under copyright in the US, as that is where the majority of traffic comes from. We cannot send you the file, as we have no way of verifying your location. Sorry!

Re: Japan and WorkNonPD-USandEU

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:59 am
by a4lg
I understand.

But I can help implementing geolocation code.
IP Allocation (to country) database is available so I can add code to check countries.

How about it?

Re: Japan and WorkNonPD-USandEU

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:31 am
by vinteuil
These can be worked around VERY easily, unfortunately. This has been discussed before.

Re: Japan and WorkNonPD-USandEU

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:00 am
by Leonard Vertighel
Please search the forums for the numerous prior discussions as to why geolocation is not a viable solution, for a number of reasons. Unless you can also hire a number of experts who can keep up with the copyright laws of every country of the world, the geolocation technology helps us exactly nothing. Besides, as Perlnerd mentioned, it is trivial to circumvent even for laymen.