Copyright with Landon, Howard Chandler Robbins

General copyright-related issues and discussions

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Copyright with Landon, Howard Chandler Robbins

Post by wolframd »


the last topic (resp. reply) I could find about this issue was posted from Carolus 2006, so I write a new one...

Carolus already mentioned in this old posting that IMSLP takes in account the german copyright for the EU when newly scientifically (!) edited works are uploaded. The german copyright does not mean any edition which is just (kind of) a reprint; the editor has to contribute substantially to an edition like with new "Urtext" editions. Under these circumstances, an edition is proteceted for 25 years after its publishing - not the death of the editor.

In search for a Haydn symphony edition of H.C. Robbins Landon, which was published 1965, I found the entry that all his works are further protected by copyright law and will probably soon cancelled from IMSLP. Of course, this is the case with his own works, but obviously, his Urtext editions which are older than 25 years should not affected, right?
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Re: Copyright with Landon, Howard Chandler Robbins

Post by Sallen112 »

Whatever source your mentioning from is probably false. Landon's Urtext editions by Haydn if they are more than 25 years since publication, then they are still considered Urtext/Critical Editions under EU law. And they are NOT Reprints, if they were reprints, the Engraving would have to be already Public domain for it to be considered Verified in all regions. And Prefaces are usually the only part of the volumes that are protected because they are usually written by the editor and are under copyright since they are less than life of the author plus 50 years.
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Copyright with Landon Howard Chandler Robbins

Post by Lenaudils »

So, well, Im basically asking are these under copyright and cant be made:
-Will o Wisp

I hope someone answers... Because I would like to make these if there is no copyright thingys.
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Re: Copyright with Landon, Howard Chandler Robbins

Post by jossuk »

These titles would seem to have nothing to do with the original topic.
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