Page 1 of 1,_Uli)#IMSLP542568

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 1:18 pm
by ulyosha
Hi there,
sorry for needing help in a pretty trivial question (hadn't uploaded sth. for ages, so apparently forgotten even the few skills I had then):
I've uploaded a composition of mine: ... MSLP542568
It is two PDFs and will have to remove one of them because on the first page there's an anonymizing code name instead of my real one as composer.
How can I delete the wrong version ?

Thanks for your reply
and kind regards
Uli Schauerte
A few hours later: Meanwhile, after some see-saw changes (my fault, sorry for that :oops: ) the right version of the sheet music is at it's place :) . Thank you for that.
I have a question concerning the recording: As I'm both fairly skilled and equipped in terms of extremely natural orchestral samples (using Vienna Symphonic Library products): Finding my audio file under "synthesized/MIDI", no one will expect the realistic orchestral sound I actually achieved.
So, if possible, I would be thankful finding the audio some day where it belongs, and that's under "recording".
By the way: If you're interested, make sure to visit my ambitious "Mahler MInus You"- project: All of Mahler's works for solo voice and orchestra (c.4 hours of music) as VSL sample-based orchestral accompanimenbts (playbacks) without singing. Make sure to watch or visit me on