
Reports of various issues on work pages.

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Post by JacopoTore »

I uploaded a picture representing Albéniz's signature, but when I go into the composer's page, I get this error:
Error creating thumbnail: Invalid thumbnail parameters
how can I fix it?
I did not find guides or information about it

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Re: Signature

Post by brenthugh »

[I know this is a long-delayed reply, but I am having the same problem and I don't see any solutions posted anywhere. This forum post is what come up at the top of Google when searching for the error message.]

> Error creating thumbnail: Invalid thumbnail parameters
The problem seems to be that the source file is too large. If you are uploading a PDF, it grabs the image from that PDF and perhaps the PDF is set to fairly high resolution. Either way, the resulting image file is 8000x6000 or some similar huge size.

If you go into the image file page and upload a smaller image, then a thumbnail will be generated. For example I went into one image that had this problem, saved the large file, opened it in a PNG editor, resized it to something like 1024x768, then re-uploaded it to the wiki to replace the previous image file, and it worked fine.

There are two ways you could go about this:

A. Upload a new image file (left toolbar "Upload Picture" - note you might have to change your Preferences/Appearance/Skin before the left toolbar even shows up). Then edit the Work page to remove the old thumbnail file link and insert the new one.

B. Update the current (broken) image file. This is a bit smoother because you don't end up with an orphan image file. This has several steps:

#1. Edit the works page to see the file name of the thumbnail image. It will look something like this:

Code: Select all

|Thumb Filename=TN-PMLP1165548-HOWL-MYSCoreFilename-Blah-Blah-Blah-3666.png
#2. Extract the filename and then edit that image file using a URL like this:

Code: Select all
#3. On the File page, click "Upload a new version of this file".

#4. Upload your edited/reduced size/cropped file to replace the old one.

#5. When you save the updated file, the thumbnail should show up on the Works page now (you may have to hit reload etc, clear cache type of things in your browser, etc)
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Re: Signature

Post by Sallen112 »

Don't worry about this, the file will auto-generate a thumbnail image automatically if no thumbnail image of your choosing was chosen as long as its not Non-PD USA and EU or Non-PD CA and EU.
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