Getting started - uploading typeset scores?

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Getting started - uploading typeset scores?

Post by amca01 »

This is a very elementary question - but I'm still unsure of the answer. (And I've been a registered member of this forum, at the time of writing, for about seven minutes.)

I'm working my way through typesetting Naudot's "Babioles" op10 - really a very easy job of moving from French violin clef to modern treble. And the Lilypond output is very handsome. All I need to know is:

(a) How do I "stake" my claim to this work so that nobody else wastes time doing the same thing?
(b) How do I upload the final results? I actually want to upload both the Lilypond files and the final PDF.

I've got a few other typeset bits and pieces, although in no case a complete work. But I could upload those as well.

Thank you very much,
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Re: Getting started - uploading typeset scores?

Post by coulonnus »

Create an account if not yet done.

(a) append your name and work title to, appending typesetting.

(b) Read and the paragraphs of Submitting scores.
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