Positioning of notices re: copyright

Reports of various issues on work pages.

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Positioning of notices re: copyright

Post by steltz »

On most pages, I've seen the notices about "not copyright in the US" (or EU), or "most likely in the public domain" right at the top. However, several of Mel Bonis' works have them in the specific edition info, or at the bottom in the work info. I think there should be, and probably is supposed to be, a consistency about placement.

The advantage of having the notice at the top is that it is instantly visible to anyone downloading that they need to check the laws in their own country before proceeding. I can see why it could also be edition-specific, but in this case, since these were first editions, any derivation of the work would be off limits in a country if the original is off limits. I'm not sure the work info is the most visible place to have it.

Is there a policy?
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Re: Positioning of notices re: copyright

Post by Carolus »

The reason for placing the notice in the "General Info" section is that it applies to the entire piece, not just the particular edition or file at hand. Perhaps this new added field in General Information could be added to the items which appear at the top.
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