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Add works to category

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 7:39 am
by Ravpapa
I just found a publisher's page for Juwal Publications, which was the publishing house for the St Petersburg Society for Jewish Folk Music. I had previously posted a number of works published by this house, but did not know there was a category for them. But I couldn't figure out how to add a category to a work page. Please explain how to do it; or, if you prefer, do it for me. Here is a list of the works I posted published by Juwal:

Shlof Mein Kind (Zhitomirsky, Alexander)
As Ich Volt Gehat (Zhitomirsky, Alexander)
Mein Spielen (Roskin, Janot)
Dos Gebet (Roskin, Janot)
Das Goldene Kalb (Roskin, Janot)
Unter die grininke Bojmelech (Milner, Moses Michael)
3 Lieder, Op.39 (Engel, Joel)
Jewish Children's Songs (Engel, Joel)
Hen Hu Hivtiah Li (Engel, Joel)
'Chabad'er Melodie and Freilachs, Op.20 (Engel, Joel)


Re: Add works to category

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2019 3:28 am
by Ravpapa
Forget it. I figured it out myself.