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Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 12:37 am
by jujimufu
Hello there again.

I remember I had made a favicon for Feldmahler a while ago, but I don't see a facivon on IMSLP now :(

I made some more favicons, so we can either choose one of them (if any one is liked by people or the admins), or we could have a vote, or we could have more people designing favicons!

But here's what I've got so far:







They are .PNG files but I could make them .ICO for the sake of being IE-friendly (with a short css line we could have the png displaying for non-IE browsers, and the ico for IE - as the png offers a much nicer-looking image than ico).

Are favicons something any admin/moderator can do, or is it entirely up to Feldmahler?

Re: Favicon

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:26 am
by Leonard Vertighel
If we had a real logo, we could use that also for the favicon. Problem is, we don't have a logo designer...

Nice proposals, though some of them appear quite fuzzy. Probably too much detail for the small format.

Re: Favicon

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:36 am
by Lyle Neff
An explanation of what a "favicon" is would be helpful.

Re: Favicon

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:39 am
by Leonard Vertighel
It's the tiny icon which in some browsers appears next to the address and/or bookmarks.

Re: Favicon

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:17 pm
by jujimufu
I see.. You're right about some of the favicons - they do look a bit clumsy.

I quite like the logo we have in the main page. Would it not be possible the person who did that to also design a few more logos out of which we could vote for the one we think is the nicest? Maybe a wikipedia globe, but with notes, rests and clefs instead of letters?

Also, do you know what is going on with the name (feel free to redirect me to another forum thread if that answers it)? Is it staying IMSLP, or is it slowly going to change entirely to Petrucci Music Library (PML I assume)?

Re: Favicon

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:37 pm
by scottorr
A logo for a website would be effective if it was a simple shape or combination of shapes. That way it could be used in a variety of spaces, suggested projects etc...

I've been thinking about this one for a while. If IMSLP continues to the transition to the "Petrucci Music Library" then perhaps a logo combining a "P" and music could be used.

Here is a quick brainstorm I drew up.

Brainstorm Image

Re: Favicon

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:49 am
by pml
In the absence of a logo designer it might be helpful to throw a variety of ideas around, and then farm the work out to some one with the skills to give the work a nice polish. I do like the current IMSLP graphic with faded letters over a manuscript score, though I think it could work just as well with the letters PML (and not because those are also my initials), but I doubt in this form it would work as a favicon, since the detail would be lost.

I was almost going to suggest an ornate capital "P", along the lines of the first page of Ottaviano Petrucci's Hamonice Musices Odhecaton A (see ), but that doesn't especially suggest a musical connection, and especially is too busy to work as the logo for a web browser icon, which normally get crushed down to 16 pixels square.

Rather than use a clef (which are sufficiently far from the original letter forms they were initially based upon to retain any semiotic use) why not simply use the standard music symbol for piano, which is a cursive, bold, italic p, perhaps stamped in the middle of a five line stave, or just by itself? Something that simple ought to be clearly recognisable when shrunk to small size.

Regards, PML

Re: Favicon

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 6:09 am
by steltz
For that matter, there is an 'm' as well, for 'mezzo'. So to extend what Philip has done, do a backwards mezzo piano with the word library in a suitable font, e.g.

pm library

However, in Finale, you can't have the 'm' separately, so it only comes as 'mp' or 'mf', so I can't work out how to do this one. Does someone know how to do this?

Re: Favicon

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 6:41 am
by pml
Another advantage of Sibelius over Finale: you can put those letters (including the more infrequently used r, s, z) around anyway you want :) However, you'd still have to find an L to match – PM by itself isn't a huge over the suggestion of the musical p symbol... Philip

Re: Favicon

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:16 am
by Lyle Neff
If musical notation is used in the favicon, PLEASE don't include a violation of modern notational usage (such as a stem on the wrong side of a note or a flag on the wrong side of a real or imaginary stem). :mrgreen:

Re: pm in Finale

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:37 pm
by kalliwoda
To design a backwards mp in Finale is no problem, the m is accessible by "option-z" (mac)
These keystrokes are in a "table fontset maestro" found in Finale under "help":
So in the maestro font type "p" and then "option-z".

now if I would be able to figure out how to use the maestro font in this reply.....

Re: Favicon

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:06 pm
by imslp
Sorry about the absence of a favicon Juji! I think it got lost somewhere during the server move.

Having a good and distinctive logo is actually quite a high priority, and an increasingly big issue since the current one is not very... logo-ish. In fact, I'd love it if someone could start a mini-project for this. The main thing is to (1) get some submissions and (2) have people vote on one. Don't forget to make sure that people release it under Creative Commons Attribution (cc-by).

One little thing, though: perhaps it is a good idea to have a logo that is distinctive (i.e. not too much like normal music). The logo can relate to either "IMSLP" or "Petrucci Music Library" or both.

Once we have the logo decided, perhaps we can make a small version of it for the favicon. Though I have to say the ones Juji gave look very nice ;)

There's no fire, but considering the increasing publicity (and traffic, for those of you who follow the server stats) IMSLP is getting, perhaps it is about time we start thinking seriously about a good logo, so that people could recognize the site (plus, maybe we can even have some teeshirts).

By the way, a few days ago we broke 50,000 visits by 32,000 different people per day. Stats are at if you didn't know already.

Re: Favicon

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:27 pm
by Leonard Vertighel
imslp wrote:Don't forget to make sure that people release it under Creative Commons Attribution (cc-by).
Are you sure? Wikipedia's logo is not CC-licensed, I think due to some trademark concerns, though I'm not sure. Maybe we should check that before releasing any design under a CC-license. ... en-big.png

Re: Favicon

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 6:11 pm
by jujimufu
Another advantage of Sibelius over Finale
Can't think of many :P

(<- devout finale user)


I think we should stick to IMSLP instead of PML. For one thing, with IMSLP we're first on google, with PML, there's the wikipedia article for Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, a Plymouth Marine Laboratory, and quite a few other groups and websites listed as PML, so it would take a long long time before we managed to compete on google (or other search engines) to get our rankings to match those of the other pages. Besides, everyone so far knows the site as IMSLP, and if the url is going to stay the same, it would be easier to remember if the logo was IMSLP too.

I've played around with the ideas for the "piano" and "mezzo-X" letters; Maestro Times has a nice "L" which looks in the style of the others, so I've used that instead (although there is no musical reference for such an "L", but still).

I am no graphic artist, I just wanted to see the ideas in practice, and see how they look like (and anyone else who is interested too).


Re: Favicon

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 6:20 pm
by kalliwoda
Maybe one should use the old Finale music font, Petrucci (sic) or is this too much advertising help for the Finale crowd? :?