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Schenker's Der freie Satz

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:55 am
by nicolas
The page presenting the numerized version of Schenker's Der freie Satz ( ... _Heinrich)) says that it is the "complete book" (I see it in French : Livre complet). However, it only is volume I, without the music examples which are in volume II.

Let me stress also that some of the examples in the 1935 edition (vol. II) are not the same as in the 2d edition (1954). The examples in the American (Free composition) or in the French (L'Écriture libre) translations are those of the 1954 edition. Unfortunately, vol. II of the 1935 edition is quite rare.

Re: Schenker's Der freie Satz

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2022 12:59 pm
by kosboot
I believe there are only 3 examples in the first edition of 1935 that are not present in subsequent editions. Two of them are graphic images - one showing a pyramid-like structure (I forget the accompanying text) and one showing the difference between most people's concept of genius (that average people reach the level of genius) and Schenker's concept of genius (that average people never reach the level of geniuses).

There is only one musical example that's not present in the 1979 English translation which Oster (the translator) explained as so thoroughly misconceived that he thought it better to eliminate it. I don't have the 1935 edition, but I do have photocopies of these 3 examples.