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kalkbrenner, Fantaisie sur 'La Reine de Chypre'

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:52 pm
by steltz
The subtitle to this is Suivie de Ajax Etude nouvelle (followed by new Ajax Etude). Just by the different titles, it would seem they were meant to be performed separately, but the single opus number implies otherwise.

The only thing uploaded so far is the Ajax Etude, so it feels like this should be on its own page.

Does anyone know enough about this work to know whether the Etude is meant as part of the Fantaisie, or should be categorized separately?

Re: kalkbrenner, Fantaisie sur 'La Reine de Chypre'

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:52 pm
by kalliwoda
They seem to have been sold separately - see the two prices on the cover.
SBB only has Nr.2 - the etude Ajax - 6 pages
For Nr.1 you have to look for BSB or UniFrankfurt - 17 pages, unclear if this includes Nr.2

You could put this on 1 workpage, but then you have no unifying title exept the op. number.
May be best to finally have 2 workpages - op.157 no.1 and op.157 no.2