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linking biographies to composer pages

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:52 pm
by steltz
What do people think about having biographical material show up in a list on composer pages? And if so what would be a better way of doing it -- using the tagging system somehow, or individual links?

Re: linking biographies to composer pages

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:20 pm
by KGill
If I understand correctly what you mean, I think the best way to do something like that would actually be from the code side of the site. If someone hovered over a link to a composer, then a little pop-up window (similar to those Google uses on its search results page) could display some information about the composer. (I think it's been suggested to do this for work pages as well, displaying how they were tagged and etc.)
I'm not sure this is what you meant, though...could you please elaborate on what you said a bit?

Re: linking biographies to composer pages

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 6:24 am
by steltz
I tagged a couple of biographical material yesterday, and it occurred to me that these don't automatically show up on the composer's page. For example, on Chopin's page it would be nice to see Mathias' Some Personal Recollections of Chopin.

We already have a hierarchy where composers' compositions come first, then works edited by them, and then - how about - biographies of?

Re: linking biographies to composer pages

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:35 pm
by KGill
I don't really see a way to do this that will be free of the problem of automatically (or, much more likely, manually) updating the page to indicate whether we have both the composer and the biography of the composer (so they link to each other). Personally, I guess I would link the biographies in the List Pages section on the composer page (or we could create a new section just for biographies, I suppose), and link to the subject of the biography from the biography's page using the Crossref template. How exactly were you thinking of using the tagging system to do this? I don't really see how - there would have to be some sort of input on the biography page to indicate whom it's about, and I'm not sure how that has much to do with its tagging...

Re: linking biographies to composer pages

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 7:30 am
by steltz
It would have to be written in, something like "|Tags=biographies Chopin ; fr".

This would obviously require a bit of writing to add to the existing system. The upside is an automatic type of behaviour. The downside is someone would have to add it.

As to the links, the upside is that nothing would have to be rewritten. The downside is that someone manually has to go through and do each one individually.