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General information section of workpages

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:46 pm
by Davydov
For some time we've been trying to come up with a system for making the general information boxes on work pages more complete, and enabling them to be standardized and eventually auto-translated, or made searchable. There's a draft set of proposals here: ... tion/Draft

They allow for including much more detail than we currently ask for, such as the names of the original publishers, places and participants at first performances, and propose new fields like "External Links", "Related Works" and "Extra Information". Some quite complex options have been considered in the past, but the aim is to offer simple guidance so that people will find it easier to fill in the extensive gaps we have currently. Comments are welcome on the proposals' discussion page, or here in the forums.

Re: General information section of workpages

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:20 am
by Carolus
This looks quite excellent. I have been linking librettists to their wikipedia pages for operas. However, since we now have category pages for "Works with text by ..." perhaps the link to the author's wikipedia article can be moved to the author or librettist category (=composer) page, as we add them.