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A series of blog posts regarding a project I'm working on

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:49 pm
by imslp
Philidor, I just wanted to run this past you and see if it works. Basically I'm doing a project with the Harvard Wind Ensemble, where I'm going to write a wind ensemble piece for them (among a few other composers). The twist is that they would like me to blog about the process, especially as my understanding is that the wind ensemble will be pretty involved in the process. So I wanted to see if you think there is any problem with me posting articles on the blog for this purpose.

Ultimately the result (and a recording) will be posted on IMSLP under a Creative Commons license, if everything goes smoothly.

Re: A series of blog posts regarding a project I'm working o

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:46 pm
by Philidor
That sounds absolutely great. Perfect for the Journal. It perhaps would have an element of soap opera to it - I mean that respectfully - in that there'll be several episodes and readers may get 'hooked'? Dickens used the same technique to suck readers in...

Good Tweet material too, plus excellent for forums. Could you take a camera along to rehearsals? Musicians photograph well. The Journal likes a 500 px image width....

I see the Harvard Wind Ensemble is quite famous. It's been going for 50 years and premiered P.D.Q. Bach! :D

If Nick or I can help with typesetting or anything else, just say.

The only thing that occurs to me - which has surely occurred to you and you've got it in hand - is you may have to tread carefully about mentioning individuals, e.g. check draft copy with them first which may slow things up a bit. But as they've asked you to blog that changes the dynamic. It's as if you've been appointed the project historian. That gives you a lot of freedom to write what you want. They probably want the publicity. Good. They can publicise the Journal, and IMSLP generally, on Harvard sites.

Re: A series of blog posts regarding a project I'm working o

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:05 am
by imslp
It really seems like a win win proposition to me. HWE wants the publicity, IMSLP journal would like some articles. Perfect ;)

Not sure how many posts I will do, but we'll know in due time.

P.S. I'll see what photos I can get. There will be some paintings involved anyhow.

Re: A series of blog posts regarding a project I'm working o

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:14 am
by vinteuil
Gesamtkunswerk? Sounds wonderful :)

Re: A series of blog posts regarding a project I'm working o

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:41 am
by pml
^^ I'd be expecting a bit more kunst before one gets the gesamt

This sounds really interesting and a good addition to the Journal.

Re: A series of blog posts regarding a project I'm working o

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:48 am
by vinteuil
Wagner never seemed to quite get the culinary arts in, though :lol: