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IMSLP Journal Launch & Call for Articles

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:44 am
by Philidor
IMSLP is proud to announce the launch the IMSLP Journal, covering classical music, the arts, culture, pop-culture, and politics as it relates to classical music.

Submissions are sought and welcomed. To propose articles and story pitches:

- post on the IMSLP forums or
- email the editors at: editors [at]

The formal submissions policy is here.

Re: IMSLP Journal Launch & Call for Articles

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 8:07 am
by azumbrunn
I submitted a piece for consideration for the journal through one of the e-mail addresses given (the other one appears to be no longer working) about two weeks ago. No it is perfectly fine to consider the piece unsuitable for this purpose. But I did expect some sort of response and I am still waiting. What is your policy? Looking at the journal you don't exactly seem to drown in submissions.