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Recordings listed with prices

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:26 am
by Lyle Neff
I've noticed just today that there are headings for "Recordings" on some pages for works that list several recordings with prices. Despite a prefatory paragraph mentioning the 10% donation through Amazon, this feature is extremely off-putting, if not downright commercial. Besides, it demonstrates an overt favoritism for recordings over other commercial products, such as printed scores.

If such price listings as these HAVE to be included with a work, could they be suppressed so as not to appear on the main page to which a work-link goes? Otherwise, the initial page for a work will be unduly extended by material that is -- well -- COMMERCIAL in nature.

Sorry for the rant, but this is extremely disconcerting. :oops: :cry:

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:50 am
by Yagan Kiely
COMMERCIAL in nature.
Exactly, IMSLP needs profits. This isn't likely permanent, it is just temporary because IMSLP needs defence money. Of course, if someone wishes to donate $100,000 it would make adverts more obsolete.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:03 am
by imslp
While, as Yagan said, advertising to a certain extent is really unavoidable (see my post about this at the top of the Announcements forum), I've realized (as most likely Lyle was referring to) that having the price besides the CD itself is quite offensive. In fact, had I not been the one who write the code for that, I would probably be somewhat offended at the "objectification" of the CDs.

What happened was that I was so in love with the beauty of the code (it's less than 100 lines!) that created the advertisement that I didn't immediately see the problem with it as it was.

Insofar as scores go, I'm actually thinking perhaps that is better served by having small links in the file templates themselves instead of having an entire section to itself which would be rather duplicate (though to be honest I'm very not sold on the idea of adding more advertising). Regardless, see the current section as a "work in progress" of sorts; I will try to make it as not-off-putting as advertisements can possibly be.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:13 am
by Vivaldi
Feldmahler, would you say that the presence of of the advertisements in IMSLP is a necessary evil? Would this be a temporary measure until IMSLP can be self-sustaining?

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:06 am
by Yagan Kiely

If IMSLP can sustain itself on donations like Wikipedia, there would be no adverts.

Though personally, I'd prefer these adverts to stay, possibly some superficial touching up might occur, but these (to me) are more helpful than not. And if IMSLP could sustain itself on donations or otherwise, this could provide additional money to further IMSLP in other ways, maybe even as simply as even better servers.

And also, NP Orgs can pay the people who run it and remain NP Orgs. I am not saying that Feldmahler does this, I'm just saying he could.
