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Compositions not showing

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 1:56 pm
by Tweedfour
I recently joined IMSLP as a composer, and have contributed three original compositions for organ. When I am NOT logged in to IMSLP, only my Voluntary #1 in F is visible for my composition. However, when I log in and view my composer page, I see all three: two Voluntaries and a Dialogue. Why does only one work show when I'm NOT logged in, and all three show when I AM logged in? Yet they all show up on a general search in IMSLP. Help!

Re: Compositions not showing

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:28 pm
by Choralia
This is a typical behavio(u)r of the MediaWiki SW, which you may have experienced already when contributing to CPDL, too. To save server resources, cached pages are shown to anonymous users (i.e., users who are not logged-in), so the latest modifications are not immediately available to them; instead, the current version of the page is always shown to logged-in users. Cached pages are typically updated every couple of days.

You can force the update of the cache of a given page by adding the query string ?action=purge to the URL of the page you want to be updated. See details here.


Re: Compositions not showing

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 8:37 pm
by Tweedfour
Thanks, Max. I just peeked in and saw that now all three pieces are showing to me while logged out. My experience with CPDL is that uploads go live at midnight every night. (I also enter my own wiki on my page, rather than wait for an admin to do it; easy enough to do and edit.) But this site has a whole different format/process for creating entries and uploading, and doesn't allow the entry editing that CPDL does. But so long as this old dog can learn a few new tricks, I know I'm still alive and well.

And thanks for the link to the manual purge instructions. I'll bookmark it with my reference material.
