Upload sampled instrument? Rename page?

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Upload sampled instrument? Rename page?

Post by prokhorprotasov »

Dear friends,
I was going to publish a composition of mine on IMSLP. The instrumentation is a wind orchestra and a sampled instrument (Kontakt .nki or .sfz). I was wondering if I can upload the samples on IMSLP so that anyone could have access to all the necessary performance materials?

Also, is it possible to rename this page: https://imslp.org/wiki/Category:Protasov,_Prokhor
to Protasoff Prokhor? I am spelling my name this way since this year (and will do so in future).

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Re: Upload sampled instrument? Rename page?

Post by Sallen112 »

We can but we also would have to move all of your workpages under your name to the new name as well by hand.
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Re: Upload sampled instrument? Rename page?

Post by prokhorprotasov »

I’m sorry to cause such inconvenience, but if you do that, that would be much appreciated. The literal transliteration of my surname is Protasov, but as with any word in my language, the ending gender-specific. So I am Protasov, and my wife (who is also a musician) is Protasova. That causes a lot confusion in English. Protasova plays a piece by Protasov. Even my landlord confused the two :D
The -off ending is much better in that regard. A notable example: Sergei and Natalie Rachmaninoff (in Russian, they are Sergei Rachmaninov and Natalia Rachmaninova).
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