Liszt, Trois Odes Funebres

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Liszt, Trois Odes Funebres

Post by steltz »

These three pieces share an S. number -- 112 nos. 1, 2, and 3.

The first problem was that La Notte, no.2 of the set, has ===Arrangements and transcriptions=== twice on the page, so I was researching it to find out what the original was so I could clean up the page.

Grove lists it as orchestral, so I will move the page around accordingly.

However, before I do this, Grove also lists all three together as a set under the S.112 number. Since we have all three at IMSLP, should they all be on one page as a set or separate?
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Re: Liszt, Trois Odes Funebres

Post by Melodia »

Being that the S number is 112 and the piano version is S516, S516a, and S517, it's indeed almost certainly an orchestral piece later transcribed (as Liszt was wont to do).
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