difficulty logging in to imslp

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difficulty logging in to imslp

Post by steltz »

I have no trouble being logged in both at work and at home for the forums, but I have had trouble with the Petrucci Music Library. I kept getting the message about too many recent attempts, and please wait. Part of the initial problem was that I didn't remember the password correctly the first few times when I got a new computer at work -- the automatic login is nice, but I forgot the password. The interesting thing is that I only got this message on the work computer, not the home computer.

Yesterday I changed my password successfully from home, just to make sure I would have a correct login. I am at work now, and I am still getting the message about too many recent attempts, even though the password is correct.

What now?
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Re: difficulty logging in to imslp

Post by Peter Ellis »

I have a very similar situation.

I was "kicked off" and, despite using the correct password, was given the "too many attempts" message.

I have asked for a fresh password several times since, and in each case I got the "too many attempts" message the first time and even over a day later.

What is the time period for waiting?
Can a Moderator or Administrator PLEASE sort out the login issue for me, please?

I will look back in a few days (noting that no-one has answered the original post of December 2009...)

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Re: difficulty logging in to imslp

Post by steltz »

Mine was eventually sorted out, though I can't remember now what I did. Try deleting all cookies first, then try again (I hope that was it. . . .)
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Re: difficulty logging in to imslp

Post by Peter Ellis »

Yes, but....
Why should I have to delete all my cookies (and the mayhem that would cause in other areas of my life) when, presumably, it is an issue with this site not allowing me to log into it?

Where are the Moderators / Administrators for this site? So far, I am the only one to reply to you since December 2009, and then only to agree with you!

I am interested to see how long the Admins take to find this new thread.

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Re: difficulty logging in to imslp

Post by vinteuil »

Actually, I at least have been reading along (the original too!).

You could delete just the IMSLP-related cookies. I couldn't say why this happens; obviously, it doesn't happen to everyone.
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Re: difficulty logging in to imslp

Post by Choralia »

We had a similar problem at the CPDL wiki some weeks ago. It was very strange, because the user provided his password to us ("us" means CPDL admins - I'm a SysOp at CPDL) and we could login without any problems using his credentials, while he always got the "too many attempts" message. We suggested him to delete all CPDL-related cookies, but apparently this idea didn't work either for him. The problem was eventually solved with a workaround: we created a new user account, we merged the old one into the new one, and then we converted the new account back into the old one so as to maintain the original username. A rather garbled process, indeed!

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Re: difficulty logging in to imslp

Post by Peter Ellis »

Okay, so I looked at the cookies folder; per various sources, in Vista, it is c:\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies and I could not see any mention of IMSLP. [And, no, I have not tried to log in through my Kubuntu 10.04 dual boot... ]

I tried... a new password for IMSLP (http://imslp.org/index.php). A temporary password for user "Peter Ellis" has been created and was set to "XXXXXXXX". And, it did not work, either. (I tried both copying it and typing it in.)

What other suggestions are there?
Do I ceate a second login? And... Who will assist/walk me through what ever process is needed to combine my logins after that? Are you able to do that, Choralia? perlnerd666?

For consideration and advice, please.

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Re: difficulty logging in to imslp

Post by vinteuil »

Actually, most web browsers have a function to delete cookies instead of you having to go through the actual files.
Choralia could probably take you through it if necessary (or at least direct admins here; I don't think that we've had to merge any accounts yet)
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Re: difficulty logging in to imslp

Post by steltz »

We have a button at the bottom of the forums for "Delete all board cookies", is there one on the Petrucci Music Library as well? I know Peter looked in his cookies folder, but I think it might be useful all the same.
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Re: difficulty logging in to imslp

Post by Peter Ellis »

I found the cookies folder in Firefox and deleted the entire imslp folder; I used the old temporary password and was given the "too many recent attempts" message; I sought another temporary password; and... I was informed that I had received a new temporary password withing the last 24 hours so another would not be sent; I re-tried with the most recent password and... "too many recent attempts" message. So, having waited variously 24 and 36 hours at various times during the week...

How long must I wait before an attempt with a 7-day temporary password ought to succeed? (An Administrator's answer, please.)

Now, I know that:
1. I'm a "newbie" at this site, and
2. I had/created some difficulties with http://www.imslp.org/wiki/The_Spacious_ ... _H._Ernest (my first upload),
3. I am a long-time contributor at Wikipedia, etc, and I have never had these kinds of difficulties with other wikis, and
4. there appears to not be an assistance page on IMSLP that deals with this lind of issue (hint).

Also for an Administrator:
To whom can this issue be "elevated", please, and how should that be done? (And, how can I do something more to assist/explain myself?)

If I sound tense, or terse, it is because I am frustrated by not being able to do what seems normal on other wikis.

With thanks,
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Re: difficulty logging in to imslp

Post by vinteuil »

I have more directly notified Feldmahler (who should have found this by now...). He'll probably have some answers at least.
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Re: difficulty logging in to imslp

Post by Peter Ellis »

Thanks, perlnerd666. I noted that feldmahler was "away" and, from what I saw, this issue was below the level of issue for which he might be contacted. So, thank you for making the decision and effort.

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Re: difficulty logging in to imslp

Post by Choralia »

perlnerd666 wrote:Choralia could probably take you through it if necessary (or at least direct admins here; I don't think that we've had to merge any accounts yet)
A specific MediaWiki extension exists to merge accounts. If it is not installed already, I guess we need Feldmahler to install it.

I'm on vacation at the moment with limited internet connectivity (I connect through my mobile phone, and bandwidth is not great), so conditions are not ideal for me to support.

My suggestion to Peter Ellis: register to the wiki using a different username, and use it temporarily until admins can sort this problem out, using account merging or other tricks.

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Re: difficulty logging in to imslp

Post by imslp »

I would suggest using an alternate account until the too many attempts error goes away. Alternatively, you can try logging in again from a different IP address. You can *usually* get a different IP address by turning off your DSL/cable modem and turning it back on after waiting for a few minutes to an hour (this depends on your ISP).

I've looked into this before but there seem to be no perfectly good solution as of yet. Merging accounts may work, but for this purpose it is too messy and complicated for me. I would rather pinpoint the exact problem in the code/SQL and fix that.

However, I am semi-away for the next two weeks, so I will not be able to do much during this time.
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Re: difficulty logging in to imslp

Post by Peter Ellis »

Thanks for the suggestions.

As may be obvious from the date/time stamps, I waited 10 days (busy, unmotivated, etc) and asked for another temporary password, and got the "too many recent attempts" error message, again.

I'll get around to another login some time over the weekend.

Again, thanks for the advice.
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