University Music Editions (New York)

Specific copyright information. If you're not sure if you can upload your score, ask it here first

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University Music Editions (New York)

Post by homerdundas »

University Music Editions (New York)
This firm has been active for several decades, offering microfilm editions of musical works. These are now being digitised and are available through some university libraries. These seem free of copyright messages, though I've never seen them referred to specifically as being 'public domain'. Most of the composers are of the baroque and classical era, but in most cases the editors, and original publishers go unmentioned.

Does anyone know if these are in fact public domain and suitable for uploading to IMSLP?
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Post by Carolus »

I am familiar with these. UME was a firm who sold microfiche copies of several complete works editions (BGA, etc.) and major published collections - all of which are public domain. I think they were sold to Alexander Street Press, who has digitized the film and now offers the collection to libraries as PDFs.

Converting images from one format to another does not form the basis of a new copyright. The case Bridgeman v. Corel established the doctrine that making an image of a two-dimensional public domain item (like an old music score) does not meet the threshold of originality for a new copyright. That decision certainly holds true for the USA. The basic concept underlying the decision is also true in many other countries - but not all. As far as I am concerned, you are free to post these.
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