I have a fairly large amount of Könemann Music Budabest urtext editions and I'm wondering if these are OK to upload. I don't really understand how the "urtext rule" applies to Hungarian editions. There are no fingerings, comments or other editorial content apart from the pure notes on the pages.
I have for example from Johann Sebastian Bach:
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(c) 1993 - K 101 - Das wohltemperierte Klavier I
(c) 1993 - K 102 - Das wohltemperierte Klavier II
(c) 1994 - K 110 - Inventionen, Sinfonien, Kleine Präludien und Fughetten (see picture below)
(c) 1995 - K 111 - Englische Suiten
(c) 1995 - K 146 - Französische Suiten
(c) 1996 - K 167 - Klavierübung I
(c) 1996 - K 169 - Klavierübung II + III + IV
(c) 1998 - K 170 - Toccaten
(c) 1999 - K 208 - Fantasien
(c) 2000 - K 171 - Konzertbearbeitungen
(c) 2001 - K 209 - Einzelstücke I