
Messages from and Discussions about IMSLP

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Post by bytepirate »

i have tried by mail, but maybe here is a better place for my request:

dear mr.guo,

i am the developer for a project, that tries to collect and merge music-related information from sources as, and others.

all these sources lack information about classical *works*, that you have collected.

i have tried to rip your page and found, that it is not allowed (i would have contacted you anyway before using the content, but i wanted to evaluate first).

so here is my request:
please allow me to rip parts of your site. what i need are 'only' the composer- and the work-pages (definitely *not* the scores).

what i can offer in return:
- a complete database (mysql or postgres) with all composers and works, with main data and categories (would enable you to do things like an API and smart searches).
- musicbrainz-ids for the composers (can be used to link either to musicbrainz or to bbc [ ... 5373b7eac9])
- wikipedia links for the works (all that can be identified, either because the wikipedia articles have a link to imslp, or by other means)
- a link to imslp on the credits page
- add a link to imslp wherever it makes sense (composer page, release page).

the project is commercial (selling mp3. budget is low, enthusiasm high ;-)).

please let me know if you think, that a collaboration is possible.

best regards

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