Submitting Parts of an Arrangement

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Submitting Parts of an Arrangement

Post by JohnFClarke »

I've created a Score and contributed it as an Arrangement. I'd now like to add the files for the Parts (so people can print them off and play away).

I've read " ... cial_cases", which mentions Parts... but it sounds like it is talking about Parts corresponding to the Score of the original work, rather than Parts for the Score an Arrangement. Is that right?

Supplementary question: this help page says you can submit a ZIP file. But I read elsewhere that this type is now deprecated. Which should I submit: 8 PDF files or one ZIP file containing 8 PDFs?
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Re: Submitting Parts of an Arrangement

Post by Davydov »

Yes, the parts heading applies to the original work. Parts for arrangements should go immediately under the full score of the arrangement (if there is one).

You're quite right that zip files haven't been accepted for quite a while, so it's the PDF versions that you should upload. The misleading sentence has now been deleted :)
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Re: Submitting Parts of an Arrangement

Post by JohnFClarke »


If I hit "add multiple files" on the "parts and arragements" page, I get invited to enter this URL:<# of files>/<is recording?>/<use old?>/<page name>

I can guess <# of files>. But I don't know the datatype for <is recording> or <use old?>. In this case, I guess the answer could be "false", or "no", or something else. Is there a help page or manual I should be looking at?
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Re: Submitting Parts of an Arrangement

Post by pml »

Make sure you’re clicking the “Add multiple files” option below where it says “Scores”. It sounds like you pressed the corresponding button in the section above, which is for Recordings.

Cheers, Philip
PML (talk)
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