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Chopin Sonata in B minor Op.58, Movement 4. Finale

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:51 pm
by Willoe
I am looking for a song to start learning for my fall recital and i was really interested in playing one of Chopin's sonatas. And i looked in the music library and there were none of Chopin's sonatas. I was really wanting to play Chopin's Sonata in B minor, Op.58, Movement 4. Finale. Presto, non tanto. I would be very grateful if someone would please upload this to the library.

Re: Chopin Sonata in B minor Op.58, Movement 4. Finale

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:39 pm
by kalliwoda
Seems you didn't look careful enough - it can be found under "Piano Sonata" ... _Frédéric)
Several versions to choose from as well ...