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Post by m.kowalski49 »

Would any one would be willing to contribute any Complete Sets of Opera Parts. Parts that are PD, unless you physically own sets of Parts of now Copyrighted Composers and would be willing to contribute to IMSLP??

There must be people in this world that have physical parts that are already PDF'd, who would like to upload them and contribute??

I have contributed many parts thus far, copyrighted and not.

Opera Parts that I will be uploading soon are as follows,

Donizetti - Lucia da Lammermoor, Don Pasquale, Elixir of Love

Gounod - Romeo and Juliet

Humperdink - Fixed parts of Hansel and Gretl, So I would need to know how to replace the Old Parts for these newer parts (same parts)

Mozart - Don Giovanni, Marriage of Figaro and Magic Flute (Kalmus parts)

Puccini - Gianni Schicchi (once I've removed infringing texts from parts)

Rossini - Forza del Destino, Cenerentola, Signor Bruschino, La Scala de Seta, Lazza Gadra, William Tell

Prokofiev - War and Peace, Gambler, Semyon Kotko (which I will be posting in Copyright Status request)

And those Users that may ask for these parts via email, or pm. DO NOT ask me. File sharing is NOT allowed at ALL. There, I've said it.

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Post by Sallen112 »

Well your in luck! I am going to be uploading a complete set of parts to Magic Flute actually! Does your parts have alot of markings on them for this set? Its a Baerenwriter set that I will be uploading. Also coming two set to Gluck Orfeo ed Euridice (both Paris and Vienna versions, the Paris is a huge set while the Vienna is a small set). Then some wind arrangements parts to Der Freischutz by Carl Maria von Weber and a 12 piece set from Mozart's "Don Giovanni". There will be other part sets that I will be uploading in the coming weeks but not sure what they will be yet.

Like I already said on the main IMSLP site, you can replace files you want to replace by clicking on the file number below the file download link without reuploading a new set of files.

Also my request for you is could you possible get ahold of more Richard Strauss Opera parts set to his other Operas? I really want to see Salome and Elektra sets if possible!
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Post by m.kowalski49 »

I can try to get ahold of some Operas. I will ask around ad see what I cam get ahold of. The University i got these from had these sets only.

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Post by m.kowalski49 »

Actually, The Mozart I have, does have bowings in them. But I would think it would be great to have both sets up. One for users where those Barenreiter parts are PD, and the other for where Barenreiter is not PD and vice-versa for the Kalmus parts.

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Post by Sallen112 »

Thats fine. Make sure to leave a note in the Misc. notes section for your set of files so we know what the difference is. Is your Mozart Magic Flute parts copyrighted 1970 by chance? If they are, then we definitely have to say something different for both sets.
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Post by m.kowalski49 »

No, they are not copyrighted at all. They're old Kalmus reprints of Breitkopf Parts. And they are CLEAN parts too!! WAHOO!!!

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Post by Sallen112 »

A word of advice for your future part sets. It might be a better idea to remove the written in markings because since we don't have very many complete parts sets for Operas on IMSLP and that your sets are the first parts we have seen on the site for certain operas, other than what you have uploaded so far, could you possibly spend some time and erase the markings? i try to do this for all of the library material I copy because for example, I have uploaded a lot of Hindemith over the last several months and most pieces I got ahold of are new to the site and would be best to have clean parts so the person downloading can see what the piece looks like in its original form without markings. I think it is fine for your Magic Flute parts to have the markings versus my parts being clean parts for diversity reasons.

There is good and bad to having written in markings in parts. Firstly parts that make use of a lot of unnecessary cuts in them, like cutting out certain sections or measures of the piece may create problems for someone who downloads the parts or part for a future performance. That person may need a particular edition of a part from a workpage (piece) that is offered for a performance and that person really would need to have a clean set so that person can play everything on part that is from the score, if the piece doesn't make any cuts for his or her performance. That is one point of the bad of having written in markings. Otherwise a good thing to having written in markings is the opposite actually of that, which is the markings may be useful to help understand certain sections of the piece that is hard to understand for the performer, like switching time signatures or may write in useful notes on the margins. In your case with the Magic Flute parts, I think the bowings could serve a purpose of good study for string players who would want to use the bowings as a reference for their playing.

So my point is that while it might be good to upload parts with markings; because IMSLP doesn't have alot of Operas with full complete parts, it would be best then to have as clean parts as possible so that the parts will be able to serve for any performance situation the player may need. We really do appreciate your uploads as always and the parts do serve an important purpose for musicians and conductors out there who don't want to spend a lot of money on renting parts from publishers, who make a fortune off of the expense of these sets. I do agree that having the variety of marked and non-marked magic flute parts is a good thing actually, but looking forward, I would think about seeing if you can remove the markings only if that particular Opera doesn't even have any parts on the workpage, like Strauss Elektra or Verdi's Don Carlos just to name a couple of pieces we don't have parts yet for. If the page does, THEN definitely upload the parts then so we have the variety for study purposes! Do you have access to a software to digitally remove markings possibly? Since your going to be removing text from the Puccini Gianni Schicchi soon, you might be able to do the same for removing markings then? Sorry about going on and on about this, I just have a strong opinion about this subject is all. As a person who has played in different orchestras in school and college, I have seen parts with lots of markings that are all over the piece and can be distracting sometimes.

One positive note though your Strauss Der Rosenkavilier parts do look really amazing I have to say! I hope you can keep uploading parts like those parts possibly?!
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Post by Sallen112 »

Well that is good that they are clean parts! Your publication info then is different from mine. My parts are strictly Baerenwriter.
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Post by m.kowalski49 »

Of course. Most of which, physical parts I can physically obtain I will erase bowings etc.. But for parts, that are already in PDF format there is nothing really I can do, except edit them in photoshop, thus pushing back upload times etc..

But I will continue on, and try mostly to upload parts that are clean sets of parts. As a professional Violinist, nothing more irritates me than to have bowings in a part that don't make sense or that do not match the style playing with tradition where I am living.

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Post by Sallen112 »

Hi Kowlawski I finally finished the Magic Flute parts and are uploaded! Let me know what you think!
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Post by m.kowalski49 »

Hi Sallen112

It looks like the parts are not available yet. I have tried to download them and I get an error telling me the are "This file has been queued for inclusion on the IMSLP-EU server, but unfortunately is not available yet. Please retry in 1 day"

So I will check back then and see what they look like!!


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Post by Sallen112 »

Yeah I think it is because they are Non-PD US and have to be put on the EU server so it should take at least one day for people to start downloading them.

Great to see your parts up for the same piece! Anyway, I do have another part set I haven't mentioned on here yet that I will be scanning. Its Tchaikovsky's Maid of the Orleans. The parts are pretty massive so you won't likely see these parts until late next month
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Post by m.kowalski49 »

That is a great addition to IMSLP!! I will be getting Tchaikovsky's Iolanta in April. So I will be getting those up in May!!

I've seen your parts now!! They are fantastic!!

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Post by FG1 »


I note that you mentioned uploading the string parts for Tchaikovsky's Iolanta. I would very much like to have these. I'm happy to help with editing them if that would help.

Best regards

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