Michelangelo Rossi Madrigals

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Michelangelo Rossi Madrigals

Post by ras1 »

Does anyone have access to madrigals by Michelangelo Rossi, particularly Per Non Mi Dir?
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Re: Michelangelo Rossi Madrigals

Post by Choralia »

Are you sure it's Michelangelo Rossi and not Salomone Rossi? The Italian online library catalogue reports "Per Non Mi Dir" as written by Salomone Rossi.

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Re: Michelangelo Rossi Madrigals

Post by ctesibius »

Hi Max,
Per non mi dir is in the collection of Michelagelo madrigals. The madrigals even if planned were never printed Michelangelo alive.

Edition: The Madrigals of Michelangelo Rossi, ed. B. Mann, MRM, x (1999)

Ah, dolente partita (G.B. Guarini);
Alma afflitta (G.B. Marini [Marino]);
Amor io parto (Guarini);
Che dura legge (Guarini);
Che pensi, cor di tigre (G. de' Conti), S, S, A, A, B;
Ciechi desir (G.B. Giraldi), S, S, A, T, B;
Come sian dolorose (Guarini);
Con che soavità (Guarini);
Cor mio, deh non languire (Guarini), S, S, A, T, B;
Credetel voi (Guarini), S, S, A, T, B;
Cura gelata (Guarini);
E così pur languendo (Guarini);
Era l'anima mia (Guarini);
Hor che la notte (I.P. Mutio);
Io d'altrui (Guarini);
Langue al vostro languir (Guarini)
Mentre d'ampia voragine tonante (G.B. Basile);
Moribondo mio pianto;
Morto mi vede (Guarini);
Occhi un tempo (Guarini);
O donna troppo cruda (Guarini);
Ohimè, se tanto amate (Guarini);
O miseria d'amante (Guarini);
O prodighi di fiamme (F. Testi);
Pallida gelosia (B. Tasso);
Per non mi dir (C. Rinaldi);
Quanto per voi (Guarini);
Sì, mi dicesti (Guarini);
Stratiami pur (Giraldi), S, S, A, A, B;
Tu parti a pena (Guarini);
Una farfalla (Guarini);
Voi volete (Guarini)

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Re: Michelangelo Rossi Madrigals

Post by Choralia »

OK, thank you. I didn't find them as I searched using "madrigale" or "madrigali" as keywords, I didn't use "madrigals" and the (rather poor) search engine didn't find it by similarity. This work is reported as published in 2002 by The University of Chicago press. Copies are available in four Italian libraries (Bologna, Cremona, Milan, and Turin). I guess that user ras1 is located in the U.S., so more reachable locations may be available to him.

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Re: Michelangelo Rossi Madrigals

Post by ras1 »

Yes, I'm in the US. But you can disregard the request - though Worldcat claims that the nearest library copy is in France, I just found a copy in a university library that I have access to. Odd.
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Re: Michelangelo Rossi Madrigals

Post by ctesibius »

lucky you!
I see from googlebooks the main source is a manuscript in unica Berkeley (MS176)
I would be fantastic to have it in IMSLP. I wonder if anyone has access to manuscript or a copy


http://books.google.com/books?id=EFZd_x ... &q&f=false
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