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SheetMusic Archive "allegations"/"poaching&qu

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:09 am
by Melodia
Someone on Wikipedia has claimed that "IMSLP poached many scores from SMA: ... =223379104

Anyone know anything? It seems a bit odd. Especially in light of the fact it's all PD material.


Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:15 am
by imslp
Their claim is absolutely bogus. We have not received any DMCA complaints, and do not expect to receive any from SMA. Public domain has nothing to do with poaching.

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:13 am
by BeFrSc
SMA have been really declining in quality recently, they used to be really good as a substitute for when IMSLP was closed, but now its just become absolute rubbish, and they've been really cheeky, they've kept the price for subscription the same, but changed the currency, that is technically illegal but I don't know anyone who has subscribed to them, and I doubt anyone ever will now that IMSLP has re-opened.

Re: SheetMusic Archive "allegations"/"poachin

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:33 am
by Peter
Melodia wrote:Someone on Wikipedia has claimed that "IMSLP poached many scores from SMA: ... =223379104
I can't find that quote in your diff - it's only the addition of a link to sma.

Re: SheetMusic Archive "allegations"/"poachin

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:35 am
by Leonard Vertighel
Peter wrote:
Melodia wrote:Someone on Wikipedia has claimed that "IMSLP poached many scores from SMA: ... =223379104
I can't find that quote in your diff - it's only the addition of a link to sma.
It's in the edit summary. But later on he also added it to the page: ... =223435661 ... =223436996

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:34 pm
by ras1
It seems a little odd to me that SMA could make any money from these scores. Aren't virtually all of them available for free from IMSLP?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:16 am
by Leonard Vertighel
Probably that's why they try to discredit IMSLP. However, the only thing those tactics have earned them is a place on Wikipedia's spam blacklist.

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:51 pm
by mel
However, there are "poached" scans on IMSLP

At the top of the first page of Joplin's Maple Leaf Rag, there is this:
Free Public Domain Sheet Music - Courtesy of
Wouldn't it be better to delete that sort of thing before uploading?

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:07 pm
by jujimufu
it's funny how they claim a lot of things which are objectively not true, such as:

" Since 2000, the most popular classical sheet music web site"

according to, SMA has a traffic rank 92,638 and fell 8,871 places in the last 3 months, while IMSLP has a traffic rank of 43,380, and has gone 26,525 places up in the last three months. That basically means that IMSLP is arguably twice as popular or most-visited than SMA.

Also, the guy has absolutely no idea what copyright is about:

""The Sheet Music Archive website and all SMA .pdf files are copyright 2000-2008 by Sheet Music Archive; all rights reserved."

(which he obviously has no right to do)

or the guy must really think copyright is a game for 8-year olds, because he writes:

"For personal non-commercial use only. Unauthorized distribution or sale of .pdf files is prohibited; violators subject to involuntary removal of unspecified bodily appendages and nailing of threatening pieces of paper to doors at location of domicile."

Lastly, I think it would be wise if we actually reported the guy to some major publishing companies because:

"Server is located in the United States."

and not in Canada, thus the majority of the scores that would be public domain on IMSLP are obviously not PD in the US and thus his server, thus while IMSLP is not infringing actual copyright laws by uploading the files in Canada, he is, by copying them to his server in the US.

Let's feed him to the wolves. >_>

But seriously, something has to be done about the guy. He also has my piece uploaded there - I sent him an e-mail and I'll send him another one, and then I'll call. And it's not just my piece, but it's about the whole attitude and disrespect towards composers, their pieces and the public domain/open source world, as well as our intelligence.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:37 am
by Carolus
He also has the catalog of Tui St. George Tucker - all of which is under copyright - and apparently all the living composer's who posted their own works at IMSLP. There are probably enough of you to form a 'class' for a class action lawsuit against him.

Apparently, he created some sort of bot to automatically duplicate the entire IMSLP library. The bot apparently didn't separate the copyrighted works from the public domain ones, so all of the non-PD stuff is there at his site - for sale - along with the PD titles.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:58 pm
by vinteuil
Funny that we're finally the people who are talking about the lawsuits - but we have real reason.
Anyone know a good lawyer? It would be very easy to put this guy away/sue him/ make him pay a major fine/have publishers sue him.
We must pursue a legal remedy to warn anyone else who tries to do this.

Legal Action

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:11 am
by musicwind95
I'd be easy for him to make some changes of his own (Have a copy of Finale NotePad and a Mac at hand? Change the layout of the last couple of pages and he can claim it as his own.) Unless someone actually has a subscription and can confirm that his scores are copies, we don't have proof. After that, it would be totally possible for a lawsuit to happen.