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Inserting an audio file

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:50 pm
by dsoslglece
During the past few years, I've inserted quite a few scores, many of them rather unknown, and I realized now that it is also possible to add some audio examples, making more easy for some to have a better idea of the piece or of the composer.

Of course, it has to be done with the due permission of the performers.

But I din't see where to insert it, the few places where it is mentioned seem to be dead links, or rather no link at all.

If someone could give me the "Sesane", i'd be grateful.


Re: Inserting an audio file

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:58 pm
by VictorEijkhout
I'm looking at an arbitrary work page, and there is a heading Performances with an option "Add File" below it.

Is that what you're looking for?


Re: Inserting an audio file

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:03 am
by coulonnus
If you install pdftk you can type pdftk existing_file.pdf attach_files your_audio output new_file.pdf from a DOS window in the right directory. Then if you open new_file.pdf with Adobe Reader a small paper clip will show up in the bottom left of the Adobe window.

Then in the left column you will see a small header giving you access to the attached file. But I recommend you warn users of this attachement otherwise they won't notice it.

Hope this helps,