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Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:55 pm
by Eric
is anyone else having trouble reaching and using these two resources? SBB (Stabikat Berlin) gives me this error "The current username, password or host was not accepted when the connection to the database was attempted to be established!" whether I try to reach it from a link on IMSLP or from its own RSS feed (either it has my computer blocked - so I ask about repeatability so to speak - or it needs to reconfigure its own links...) and from BSB (Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum, part of the Bayer Library) I can read scores but no longer make PDFs as I once could using the PDF download command (the command is functional but now only creates 1 page PDFs). So - is anyone else having these problems or am I just blocked personally? :)


Re: SBB and BSB

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:10 pm
by Generoso
Maybe it has something to do with this? ... news429535

or this
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek und Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin schließen Kooperationsvereinbarung Über Europeana, die Internet-Plattform zur digitalen Präsentation des kulturellen Reichtums Europas, werden beide Bibliotheken Ausschnitte aus ihren reichen Sammlungen vorstellen. Soeben startete ein Projekt mit acht weiteren Nationalbibliotheken, die, ausgestattet mit einem Budget von 5,4 Mio. € und koordiniert von der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, bis zum Jahr 2014 und damit einhundert Jahre nach dem Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs über 400 Tausend Dokumente jener Zeit digitalisieren und online verfügbar machen – Tageszeitungen, Flugblätter, Schützengräben-Zeitungen, Koch- und Kinderbücher, Postkarten, Pamphlete u. v. a. m. 9.Juni 2011
This translates to:
Austrian National Library and State Library in Berlin, close co-operation agreement on Europeana, the Internet platform for the digital presentation of the cultural richness of Europe, both libraries will present excerpts from its rich collections. Just started a project with eight other national libraries, with a budget of € 5.4 million, and coordinated by the State Library in Berlin until 2014, and thus a hundred years after the outbreak of World War II over 400 thousand documents of the time digitize and make available online - newspapers, pamphlets, newspapers, trenches, cooking and children's books, postcards, pamphlets and much more June 9, 2011

Re: SBB and BSB

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:45 pm
by Eric
I think I had only noticed that out of the corner of my figurative eye and there might be a connection though I don't know offhand what it might be

(by which I just mean that I haven't figured it out yet I guess... but I will think about it...) thank you.

Re: SBB and BSB

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:59 am
by kalliwoda
Must have been a temporary glitch, no problems now. (8:45 am CET)
Very strange, on my second attempt I get that error message from SBB too. (9:00 am CET

Re: SBB and BSB

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 3:13 pm
by Caprotti
It's not the first time that there is block of the pdf download function from bsb. Sometime ago a friend of mine sent a message to those people and they said it was a technical problem, so no relation with anybody's user in particular. Hope the error will be corrected also this time asap.

Re: SBB and BSB

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:24 am
by Caprotti
Eric wrote:is anyone else having trouble reaching and using these two resources? SBB (Stabikat Berlin) gives me this error "The current username, password or host was not accepted when the connection to the database was attempted to be established!" whether I try to reach it from a link on IMSLP or from its own RSS feed (either it has my computer blocked - so I ask about repeatability so to speak - or it needs to reconfigure its own links...) and from BSB (Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum, part of the Bayer Library) I can read scores but no longer make PDFs as I once could using the PDF download command (the command is functional but now only creates 1 page PDFs). So - is anyone else having these problems or am I just blocked personally? :)


The BSB error (no PDF download) persists at today. And the SBB link to the digital resource is still blocked (Feed gives today a new score, after many weeks, but the resource is not available ...).

btw, any news about the possible development of a similar source for the French National Library (apart from Gallica) ? I believe that the Paris Library is the most important source of scores, even bigger than British library or Berlin SBB. And orders of copies are blocked since years !

Re: SBB and BSB

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:50 pm
by Eric
I was able to download a BSB score (well, all 2mb of it, anyway) yesterday, so it seems an on-and-off thing. Meanwhile Internet Culturale's main site seems to have a different URL and no specific permanent URLs for individual works of music (manuscripts or otherwise) though the downloads do seem to exist in search (didn't try to download one since I restricted myself to searching for scores I already had like Mascia's opus 110 quartets, just noted that the feature claims to still exist.)

Re: SBB and BSB

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:39 pm
by kalliwoda
For me SBB is now again working properly, on several attempts. There was a water-damage problem in their Potsdamer St Building, which closed some of the magazines and may have caused other havoc (including the servers?), but the music collection (Unter den Linden) is not affected.

Re BnF: On Gallica, the pdf-downloads are sometimes extremely poor, (Devienne Oboe Sonatas are 512 pixel for the short axis). But the high resolution zoom display (the icon on the far left) is not tile-based but coordinate-based: Zoom to max resolution, then select the lower right corner for export. In the url, you can then change the coordinates to display the full page: From for example "6356,4705,41,37&save" to "0,0,6500,4800&save" (if your coordinates exceed the scanned image, the max scan will be displayed). You can save each high resolution image (on my mac by ctrl-click) as jpg file, leaf through the work by changing the page marker in the url, (e.g. f1 to f54). Not as convenient as an automatic download, but pretty fast, and something where imslp can easily improve on the direct download options from Gallica.
[edit:]I just figured out how to use cURL with the utility "Terminal" on my Mac (Thanks to Boccaccio for the basic command)
In "Terminal" type (or copy/paste) curl ' ... 9058399b.f[1-54]&l=6&r=0,0,6500,4800&save' -o 'Devienne_6_Sonatas#1.jpg', and you will find all 54 high resolution jpg's on your hard disk.
Since the original scans already have some jpg-compression, it is possible to further halve size by saving as pdf with a jpg-compression of 4 or 5 without decreasing quality noticably. (see the Devienne Sonatas I downloaded for an example).

Re: SBB and BSB

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:22 am
by Grimbald
I think this method doesn't work anymore - I tried your example: ... ,4800&save, but it says "access denied". What's even more strange, when I try to change the coordinates, it allows me to download for example "0,0,6500,350 image", or "0,0,479,4800", but any bigger coordinates are not allowed. I don't get it at all, why?? :-/


Re: SBB and BSB

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:54 am
by kalliwoda
I had this happen once before, but after about a day it was again possible to get the entire page in high resolution. Unfortunately, this time it seems not to be a temporary server overload at gallica/BNF.

It seems the maximum size one can now view is 1000x2300 pixels. So it will be lots of work to assemble a high resolution page from about 12 separate jpg's. Since the last 2 numbers give the image dimensions, and the first 2 the reference point in the entire picture, you could try to open windows (or use Curl for the entire document) with:
0,2000,1000,2300 ... to
2300,2000,1000,2300 ... to

Then save all 12 as jpg's on your HD and use Photoshop or Gimp to assemble the page. Took me about 15 min. per page.... :x
Its still faster than using screen capture.

Re: SBB and BSB

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:41 pm
by kalliwoda
Update re: Downloads from BNF

There is a new somewhat hidden option on the gallica/BNF website:
Enter zoom mode (click the magnifying icon), then "select a part of the image for export" (the dashed rectangle icon).
Select the entire page +/- the margins as you prefer:
You now get a drop-up window with 2 options:
Choose "Dans une résolution supérieure (format plus grand, meilleure lisibilité): Cliquez ici"
and the page opens in a new window, from which you can save a medium-high resolution jpg (l=5, vs l=6 for max resolution).
You can change pages simply in the url bar by changing from f1 to f2, f3...
I myself find it easiest to simply copy and paste each picture into a preset empty pdf with corrected page size (you can find the original page size in the gallica catalog info) in Photoshop and save. You still have to combine all pages at the end into one multipage pdf file.
The higher resolution l=6 at max zoom cannot be accessed in its entirety, however it can be opened in four quartersize files, which have to be combined for each page. Took me about 2-3 min. per page for the La Mer files - still lots of work! :x

Re: SBB and BSB

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:14 pm
by WilliamBunting
kalliwoda wrote:Update re: Downloads from BNF

There is a new somewhat hidden option on the gallica/BNF website:
Enter zoom mode (click the magnifying icon), then "select a part of the image for export" (the dashed rectangle icon).
Select the entire page +/- the margins as you prefer:
You now get a drop-up window with 2 options:
Choose "Dans une résolution supérieure (format plus grand, meilleure lisibilité): Cliquez ici"
and the page opens in a new window, from which you can save a medium-high resolution jpg (l=5, vs l=6 for max resolution).
You can change pages simply in the url bar by changing from f1 to f2, f3...
I myself find it easiest to simply copy and paste each picture into a preset empty pdf with corrected page size (you can find the original page size in the gallica catalog info) in Photoshop and save. You still have to combine all pages at the end into one multipage pdf file.
The higher resolution l=6 at max zoom cannot be accessed in its entirety, however it can be opened in four quartersize files, which have to be combined for each page. Took me about 2-3 min. per page for the La Mer files - still lots of work! :x

Could you please put this info in a clearly labelled section. This is under SBB and BSB.
Regards WB

Re: SBB and BSB

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:23 pm
by jossuk
I just went to the BSB link, and there seems to be no problem now with PDFs. (And by the way, the link as quoted - with parenthesis and comma - sends the user to a German girlie site.)

Re: SBB and BSB

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:04 pm
by Choralia
jossuk wrote:And by the way, the link as quoted - with parenthesis and comma - sends the user to a German girlie site
It was a spammer. Nice trick: replacing existing links with others. I was keeping an eye on he/she/it as a couple of users from the same country (Croatia) appeared to be rather borderline as spammers recently. User deleted and IP address banned.
