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Strange message when trying to imort files

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:38 pm
by Schneidy
Dear All,

I've jsut tried to upload 12 files here (lesson 25 to 36) : ... MSLP269427
10 went fine but for two of them (lesson 26 and 34) this strange message appeared :

Code: Select all

Impossible de renommer le fichier « temp/d/da/20130212222435!20130212222400!phptwIfSW.pdf » en « public/f/fb/PMLP417963-SagrerasLecon034.pdf ».
I've finally uploaded those two files via "import new file" but now the file name has not the usual "PMLP417963" in front of the file name.
As soon as I'm trying to rename those file with "PMLP417963" in front the same strange message appears.

[EDIT] I've just understood that I'm an idiot and that this message appears because I've uploaded more than 10 files in one time :oops:
Sorry for that.

Re: Strange message when trying to imort files

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:55 am
by Eric
No, no, you're not an idiot, or we are both idiots together... same here, "Error: Could not rename file "/tmp/phpy1Qa20" to "public/f/fc/PMLP436578-BuhlerMissaPastoritiaOpus8Canto.pdf""

So it isn't just me, and isn't necessarily just something wrong with the file I'm uploading. (And I only tried to upload 5 files. And the same error message then occurred when I tried to upload this one separately, by itself, seul(e?)...

No, something is going on and no mistake.

Re: Strange message when trying to imort files

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:12 am
by Eric
Hrm, the programmers may have fixed it now. Not easy, this stuff, my hat off to them...

Re: Strange message when trying to imort files

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:38 am
by coulonnus
Yesterday I obtained the same message when adding the score at,_Op.83_ ... 3%A9odore)
I made another attempt after having slightly changed the file name and it worked fine. Could this message come when you add a score with a name that already exists?

Re: Strange message when trying to imort files

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:25 am
by Schneidy
coulonnus wrote:[...] Could this message come when you add a score with a name that already exists?
I don't think so ; actually I thouhgt the same thing yesterday and checked : No files had the name that I've sent.

Re: Strange message when trying to imort files

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:19 pm
by imslp
This bug was the result of the recent server upgrade, and has been fixed. Please report on the forums if you run into any other issues.

Re: Strange message when trying to imort files

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:45 pm
by Keanur
Since yesterday, Feb 12, constantly , but not in every case, I cannot upload files correctly, the server stubbornly refuses to accept them. My last try was to replace a PDF file by a corrected one - I've done this many many times before - but I always get this message : Could not rename file "public/9/90/PMLP87960-Long_Lesson_1.pdf" to "public/archive/9/90/20130213193903!PMLP87960-Long_Lesson_1.pdf".

What's going on?

Re: Strange message when trying to imort files

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 12:22 pm
by Schneidy
I confirm; I had the same message for the same action but since this morning everything seems OK.

Re: Strange message when trying to imort files

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:13 pm
by imslp
Yes, this bug was fixed last night. Basically, this is a separate bug from the previous one (which I said was fixed above). The previous bug was only for moving files into /f/, this bug was only for moving files into /archive/.

The reason for these bugs is because, prior to the upgrade this past weekend, IMSLP was running out of space on the server. Unfortunately, the upgrade introduced unanticipated bugs in the storage system.

All known outstanding issues should be resolved right now; please tell me if you run into any more problems.