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wishlist is a mess

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:19 am
by Hamstray
does anyone ever look at the wishlist to see what scores need uploading?
i don't think so. where would you start?
does anyone even update the wishlist when a score is uploaded?

a lot of entries to the wishlist are overgeneralizing i.e.: "complete works"

I'd suggest a cleanup of the wishlist:
there should only be entries with references to library catalog entries

the name of the library would be most helpful, so people know what scores are available in their area

Re: wishlist is a mess

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 1:39 pm
by Schneidy
Hi Hamstray,
Hamstray wrote:does anyone ever look at the wishlist to see what scores need uploading? [...]
Yes I did :wink:
Hamstray wrote:[...] where would you start? [...]
Composers for my instrument.
Hamstray wrote:[...] does anyone even update the wishlist when a score is uploaded? [...]
No, never done that. :?
Hamstray wrote:[...] a lot of entries to the wishlist are overgeneralizing i.e.: "complete works" [...]
True !
Hamstray wrote:[...] I'd suggest a cleanup of the wishlist:
there should only be entries with references to library catalog entries

the name of the library would be most helpful, so people know what scores are available in their area
I think it's a good idea, to be discussed.


Re: wishlist is a mess

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:56 am
by coulonnus
Hamstray wrote:does anyone even update the wishlist when a score is uploaded?
I do when I upload something and am aware of its presence in the wishlist. it would be nice if the imslp server could detect my upload automatically! :-)

Re: wishlist is a mess

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 5:17 pm
by Eric
Re updating wishlist when a score is uploaded (in the form in which it was requested, if that was specified) - sometimes people (me included) go through parts of the wishlist and remove or link things that have been uploaded (I prefer remove. I add enough to the size of the wishlist as it is- as do others...). Having this done automatically would require some rather good language-parsing software, I'm guessing beyond current technology...

Re: wishlist is a mess

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 5:25 pm
by Eric
Schneidy wrote:Hi Hamstray,
Hamstray wrote:[...] I'd suggest a cleanup of the wishlist:
there should only be entries with references to library catalog entries

the name of the library would be most helpful, so people know what scores are available in their area
I think it's a good idea, to be discussed.

Disagree strongly. Some items in private collections have never found their way into libraries. I sometimes add things to wishlists that I can't find either in Worldcat, RISM-online, or in library catalogs that I know aren't covered by Worldcat, etc. if I am interested enough, in hopes that someone might own a copy and be willing to scan at least a substantially large part of it (a large request to make of someone, I do know)! - or, that something may show up at a booksale (I think one or two of the things I've picked up at booksales -might- not be in any library catalog I know of- unfortunately they're often also a little too recently published to be scanned, in some cases. Or... &c. )

"Never" (... well, hardly ever) rely too much on one source or set of sources... a guideline that generalizes :)

Removing items known to be now lost - there I agree. And items like - something like - "Concerto for flute" by a composer who (1) wrote only sonatas, no concertos (2) wrote only for recorders, not flutes, which didn't exist in his day (etc. etc.) -- and not even providing key or further info- suggesting that the source is a 20th-century arrangement of an edition of an arrangement for modern usage and hideously copyrighted, not the original form (which original form is a thing one would like to know...) - well, some guidance as to what to do with such items in the list is probably useful...

But the list is not yet so long that it can lack for some "wish"es on it. Especially if some evidence aside from library-links is provided (in compact form - a quick reference to HMB or BdlF, say, in the comment, perhaps..., so as not to unduly lengthen the entry) that the item at least once existed.

Re: wishlist is a mess

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:25 am
by baroquecello
And I'm sorry to say I just made the mess bigger. In attempting to find out how to add a work to the wish list, after searching a lot on the site, I decided I'd give the edit function a try and just change the name of the composer. I took Muzio Clementi, and changed everything into Auguste Franchomme, supposing the site would notice that this is a new entry and not a changed entry. Well, I overestimated the intelligence of the site, it wasn't larger than mine, unfortunately, and now Auguste Franchomme is prominently listed between Jacobus Clemens non papa and Carlo Coccia, and Muzio Clementi has disappeared... Is there anyone who can revert this? And can anyone tell me how to add to the wish list instead of edit it and making a bigger mess? Apologies and thanks! Leonard

Re: wishlist is a mess

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:08 pm
by Notenschreiber
I restored the Clementi. Try again to estabish the Franchomme by making a similiar entry like the other composers have.
Choose the right place where to put your entry in alphabetical order.