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Merging TIFF to PDF

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:16 am
by Puzzi22
Hello all:

I know this subject has been discussed before, I just couldn't an answer to my issue. So here it is... I can seem to find a freeware that allows me to merge my TIFF files to PDF. Some "printers" work fine when I try to merge less than 10 pages, but for some reason, they all crash for bigger files. I've tried so many of them, it's almost ridiculous:

-Office convert tiff to pdf

Anyone had that problem before? Thanks for helping though, I'm out of solutions for now...

Re: Merging TIFF to PDF

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:46 pm
by kalliwoda
I guess I never encountered this problem, because I never even considered the possibility I could get pdfsam to fuse tiff files into a multipage pdf. :?
I always went the "scenic route", converting single pages to pdf, then fused the pdf files into one multipage pdf - have you tried that?

Re: Merging TIFF to PDF

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:56 pm
by KGill
You could try ImageMagick. I can't quite remember the exact command you would use at the moment (it's a command-line program), but it can without question handle it.

Re: Merging TIFF to PDF

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 12:41 am
by carmar1791
On *nix sistems you have to do this.
Create a folder in your desktop, an call it "a"
Put all your tiff or tif files there.
Open your shell and move there by this command:

cd ./home/youraccountname/Desktop/a

By graphicsmagik or imagemagik you have to give these comands:

convert *.tiff filename.tiff

And you'll obtain a multipage filename.tiff

after , you have to give this command:

convert filename.tiff filename.pdf

and you'll obtain your multipage filename.pdf

Pay attention when you type :all these commands are "case" sensitive

If you use windows you must know dos commands to move to "a" (I have never used dos)
The other commands are the same.

For windows there is pdfill free tools :
It's a great program


Re: Merging TIFF to PDF

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:15 am
by kcleung
Suppose you want to merge files a.tiff, b.tiff and c.tiff, with g4 compression, under Linux:

tiffcp -c g4 a.tiff b.tiff c.tiff out.tiff

(or if you want to merge all tiff files in curr dir, you can use wildcard: tiffcp -c g4 *.tiff out.tiff)

tiff2pdf out.tiff > out.pdf


In ubuntu, you need the package libtiff-tools, you can get it by:

sudo apt-get install libtiff-tools

Re: Merging TIFF to PDF

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:58 pm
by Mazin
Ah, there was a reason I wrote this stuff down.


To convert a series of TIFF images, applying group4 compression and a fixed DPI, into one PDF document

Code: Select all

$ convert *.tiff -compress Group4 -density 300 MyNewDocument.pdf
This is assuming that the TIFFs are already monochrome (pure black and white).

Re: Merging TIFF to PDF

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 2:54 am
by daphnis
This is assuming that the TIFFs are already monochrome (pure black and white).
...and that the source TIFFs are 300dpi. This should be replaced with whatever the actual density of the images is.

Re: Merging TIFF to PDF

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:11 pm
by andrewt
I use PDFill. ( It's freeware, converts many formats (including TIFF) to PDF and back, merges PDF, and a bunch of other stuff. When you're converting images to PDF, just make sure you fill in the proper dimensions if it's not 8.5x11.

Re: Merging TIFF to PDF

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:51 pm
by andrewt
Also, dragging and dropping will work if the Add Image dialog gives an error message.

Re: Merging TIFF to PDF

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:03 pm
by Generoso
On the Mac you can use Adobe Acrobat Pro to combine many Tiff's into a PDF. To do this.... Go to File menu --> Create PDF --> from Multiple files. Choose your tiff files and save.
Its quite easy.

Re: Merging TIFF to PDF

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:31 pm
by daphnis
This process is the same regardless of platform. And sure it's easy...if you have Acrobat Pro :)

Re: Merging TIFF to PDF

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:44 pm
by vinteuil
Generoso wrote:On the Mac you can use Adobe Acrobat Pro to combine many Tiff's into a PDF. To do this.... Go to File menu --> Create PDF --> from Multiple files. Choose your tiff files and save.
Its quite easy.
Of course, if you have a mac, Automator can merge images into PDFs perfectly fine. :D