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Re: IMSLP to merge with WIMA

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:28 pm
by jeroen.donkers
I will transfer my own files to IMSLP.



Re: IMSLP to merge with WIMA

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:23 pm
by reccmo
On the WIMA server I maintain my own online documentation for project participants on how to transfer WIMA scores to IMSLP. The main page lists briefly which steps to take while sub pages titled Learn how to ... explain in details how to proceed illustrated by screen shots.

I encourage all of you to have a look at the documentation and report any suggestions for correction, change, addition etc. Please specifically look at the sub page documentation of the WIMA->IMSLP transfer procedure

Later I'll add a description on how to upload new WIMA contributions.

Re: IMSLP to merge with WIMA

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:29 pm
by Carolus
Just a reminder to all WIMA composers, arrangers and editors. Unless the work is part of specific publisher catalog like Jennifer Paull's catalog, you should list yourself as the "publisher" as making things available on IMSLP (or WIMA, for that matter) meets the legal definition of "publication" in most locales. This additionally establishes that you are the copyright owner of the composition/arrangement/edition in question and that anyone wishing to use the work for a commercial purpose needs to contact you.

Re: IMSLP to merge with WIMA

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:11 pm
by reccmo
reccmo wrote:On the WIMA server I maintain my own online documentation for project participants on how to transfer WIMA scores to IMSLP. The main page lists briefly which steps to take while sub pages titled Learn how to ... explain in details how to proceed illustrated by screen shots.

I encourage all of you to have a look at the documentation and report any suggestions for correction, change, addition etc. Please specifically look at the sub page documentation of the WIMA->IMSLP transfer procedure

Later I'll add a description on how to upload new WIMA contributions.
The online documentation now includes a description on how to upload new WIMA contributions.

Re: IMSLP to merge with WIMA

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:27 pm
by reccmo
Carolus wrote:Just a reminder to all WIMA composers, arrangers and editors. Unless the work is part of specific publisher catalog like Jennifer Paull's catalog, you should list yourself as the "publisher" as making things available on IMSLP (or WIMA, for that matter) meets the legal definition of "publication" in most locales. This additionally establishes that you are the copyright owner of the composition/arrangement/edition in question and that anyone wishing to use the work for a commercial purpose needs to contact you.
I've included most of the text above in WIMA's online documentation

Re: IMSLP to merge with WIMA

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:56 am
by reccmo
Today, Thursday September 8, was the time limit for to answer my mass mail sent August 18 to all WIMA contributors
If I don't hear from you at the latest Thursday September 8 2011 I take it as a consent to my proposal and will transfer your WIMA contributions to IMSLP.
I've now mass updated the contributors who didn't answer. Composers have got the IMSLP Non-commercial No Derivatives 1.0 license and editors the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license registered. In WIMA's online list of contributors those contributors are marked with IC (implicit consent).

Re: IMSLP to merge with WIMA

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:51 pm
by Melodia
Can whoever uploads all those recordings from the WIMA tag that they are virtual? They aren't big files, but still it's a bit annoying.

Re: IMSLP to merge with WIMA

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:10 pm
by pml

I think you’re referring to User:Victorio (Jürgen Knuth), who isn’t an anglophone if I remember correctly. If so, could one of our German speaking colleagues pass on a message for him to include something like “synthesised audio” in the “Misc. Notes” field of the upload page? This would be much appreciated.

Regards, Philip

Re: IMSLP to merge with WIMA

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:45 am
by reccmo
pml wrote:Melodia,

I think you’re referring to User:Victorio (Jürgen Knuth), who isn’t an anglophone if I remember correctly. If so, could one of our German speaking colleagues pass on a message for him to include something like “synthesised audio” in the “Misc. Notes” field of the upload page? This would be much appreciated.

Regards, Philip
Done in an explanatory private mail to Jürgen

Re: IMSLP to merge with WIMA

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:24 pm
by Hapebe
Many thanks to P. A. Jones for transferring my compositions. I have a lot of difficulties to understand technical issues, therefore I am happy that someone solves my problems. If P. A. Jones has questions concerning the aesthetics of my compositions, he can feel free to contact me for any discussion.
Hans-Peter Beer

Re: IMSLP to merge with WIMA

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:08 pm
by dsimons
Not sure this is the right place for this, but here goes:

I just edited the page for my recently transferred score for Bernardo Pasquini's Partite diverse di follia, to reflect the fact that it is not an arrangement for harpsichord; rather it was originally composed for harpsichord, as indicated in the title of the MS from which it was typeset, where it says "Sonate per gravecembalo..." However, as I left the page, there is still a subheading saying "Harpsichord (solo)". Should I have deleted that as well? In general, I'm not clear on how the instrumentation for ANY uploaded score is supposed to be indicated, and if I had deleted the remaining subheader, there would have remained no indication of the instrumentation until the very bottom of the page (which seems unsatisfactory to me).

I've also noted that the genre category "harpsichord (arr.)" disappeared, but that the categories "For organ" and "Scores featuring the organ," neither of which I ever specified, remain on the page. At a minimum I'd like to include this in some category indicating it's a harpsichord solo, and I'd probably prefer to remove the organ references, but (a) I don't know what the allowable categories are, and (b) I can't see how to edit the listed categories anyhow.

While looking at other pages to try to at least learn whether there's a "harpsichord" and/or "Harpsichord (solo)" genre, I stumbled across Couperin's Concerts Royeaux, which in fact is a dual-purpose piece for either solo harpsichord or ensemble, and did find "For harpsichord" among its genre categories. At the same time I noted inaccuracties in the misc. notes describing the facsimile, and I edited the page accordingly. Is it OK to just do that without discussing it?

I'd appreciate some clarification and guidance on all of the above.

--Don Simons

Re: IMSLP to merge with WIMA

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:14 pm
by Davydov
Hello Don. We only use the subheadings like "For harpsichord (solo)" for arrangements and transcriptions, where they're automatically read by our categorization system. Otherwise they're assumed to be the composer's original instrumentation, as described in the general information section. Sadly, a lot of contributors never fill this section in (or do so with the wrong information), which causes headaches for our categorization team. The Pasquini page was wrongly indicated to be an organ piece, but I've changed this now so it will show correctly for the harpsichord.

It looks like the Couperin piece was correctly categorized, but if you find any other 'misfiling' then please let me or one of the other categorization team members know. Thanks.

Re: IMSLP to merge with WIMA

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:50 pm
by Richard_St_Clair
I am not as computer savvy as many on this forum I imagine. It's a new learning curve for me. I hope I can figure out how to upload or transfer my music files.

Richard :?

Re: IMSLP to merge with WIMA

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:15 am
by dsimons
Someone assigned a genre category of "for two harpsichords (arr)" to my recently uploaded transcription of Tambourins from Rameau's Pieces de Clavecin en Concerts. But this is the only piece in that category. Would that same someone mind changing the assignment to "For 2 harpsichords (arr)" where it will have some company?

Re: IMSLP to merge with WIMA

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:58 am
by steltz
The question has to be: was it arranged for 2 harpsichords? It can't be changed to an inaccurate description just so it will be on a larger list. If it was arranged for 2 harpsichords, then that is the correct list.

Every list starts with only one item on it . . . .